How do Mums find time to keep fit?

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New member
Hello, I'm new to the forum. I have 4 children, triplet daughters who are 3 years old and a little boy who is 9 weeks.
I have only been dieting since last week so I am very new at this. I weight an extraordinary 248lbs which came as a shock to me thats for sure. I put on a huge amount of weight with the trio, partly miserable pregnancy, bedrest etc followed by c-sec recovery and then just the normal new mum stuff.
My question is, how do you all find time to exercise? I started walking a while back but it meant taking the triple mountain buggy and I can't imagine doing that with a baby in a papoose too. The trio are always wanting to stop and get out which means I just get frustrated....usually followed by treating us all to an ice cream. :blush5:
Are there any good workout videos that I can do at home either before they all get up or once the trio are in bed and my hubby can have my son?
I would love some advice.
anyone out there?
Do you ever get time alone? I usually do it in the morning when my little one and hubby are sleeping. I do it for 45 min- 1hr either running or swimming.
You have 2 options:
1. Exercise when you get time alone (just like Jessica said).
2. Include your baby in you workouts.

What worked best for myself was including my little baby in the workout. I'd go jogging while pushing the stroller, and I would include playtime in my workout sessions (e.g. Squats, floor press, overhead press while holding/carrying my baby). It's kinda weird at first, but it's great for both you and your little one. They'll love it. :)
I will try the getting up early thing. I could still do that even with little man watching. The trouble with triplets is that they all join in and chaos prevails! Unfortunately our gym does not have a creche (we live in a tiny ski resort in the swiss alps) and the local nursery is about $10 (US) per child per hour. Thats expensive with 4 of them!
I will keep goin on though. Thanks for your ideas ladies. I will try a 45 min wii workout in the morning before they all get up.
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Are there any other new moms in your community? I have attended a group that the moms take turns watching the kids while the other moms work out. It is a small group just started by a few moms.
I often load the kids up in the jogging stroller and take them for a walk or run. Some times I just let them play near me while a do an exercise video.
What kinds of exercises do you like? I could let you know the ones I have used and liked. I have some that are mom and baby and some that are just for mom.
You can do it!!!

Oh wow. I bet is really hard for you to find time. All i can suggest is that whenever you have time keep track of your calories you eat. And then stay active with the kids as much as possible. Play with them or clean. Cleaning burns a lot of calories. I know this by personal expeirence by using my bodybugg (its a weightloss tool that tells you how many calories you burn , very accurate) . This morning I cleaned for 2 hours and 45 minutes and burned 744 calories just doing that. I actually had time b/c my son was with his great grandparents. But grocery shopping or walking around the mall or stores , burns lots of calories. Or if you dont wanna leave home, maybe turn some music on and dance with your little ones. Staying active anyway possible and watching how many calories your eating (stay between 1500-1800 calories) and you will for sure lose weight. I gained 65lbs with my son(he was my first) lost all of it as of today!!! It took me 16 months. I was 245 lbs when i had him. I am now 186 lbs! and its all due to watching calories! You can do it . It takes time and it will probably take a little more time with having so many kids to take care of but if your serious about losing weight it will come off! You just gotta do the work and realize its a lifestyle change and it takes time. Good luck!!!
Wow! I thought I had it hard! I'm having the same trouble with a 2 year old and a newborn. My older daughter never wants to stay in the stroller. When I start working out to a video at home, she always climbs on top of me, or dances around my legs so I can't move! I'm going to try and get up early enough to walk before hubby has to go to work.
I really admire you for just handling your day. My suggestion is the first thing you need to do is to focus on all the great things you are doing. You need to keep positive to get up the motivation to lose weight. Keep telling yourself how great you are doing. That has to be the first step. :hurray:
Finding time is the hardest part to working out. The good thing is a lot of research out there that suggests that 15-20 minutes of exercise a day can make a big difference. Also, changing one thing in your diet to start with can make a big difference as well! Set a S.M.A.R.T goal to help you with your weight loss!
Hey, I just have one 7 month old (almost) and I don't have time, I can't even imagine you! OMG, triplets, I'd die, lol. Anyways, I'm having a hard time because she wants to be in my arms all day. She only catnaps and goes to bed around 9-10, by the time I'm done everything it's like 10-11 and I'm too tired to work out! Ugh!

Anyways, as for your question about videos, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is good! There's 3 different fitness levels which is nice and the workouts are 20 mins! A lot of people from my pregnancy forum are using it and liking it. So maybe check that one out.
Walking is a good exercise but don't buy ice cream when you walk, try to avoid the ice cream shop. Walk somewhere else. Do you have belly fat after giving birth? you can check out here on how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks
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