Holy ****!

Thought I'd try a HIIT session, see what the big deal was.

Ran on a grass track, 100m straights best effort, 100m bends medium jog.

20 minutes later my best effort was probably slower than my medium jog when I stated :D

Good crack, enjoyed it and will work one into my cardio regime.

Tip to novices: Don't eat porridge twenty minutes before doing your first HIIT running session :p
tip i wouldn't eat porridge 20 minutes before your second go either:D
nice choice of pre-WO snack!!?!! What were you thinking?!?

whilst we're sort of on the point, how long before workout and cardio should you eat?

if i was to be doing 45mins to 1 hours worth of weights followed by 25 mins HIIT when should i be eating and how much?

All depends on your body and stomach. Some people can eat and they feel ok, others have to eat light or not at all. I've thrown up before just by eating a banana before basketball practice. Even now, my stomach doesnt like a lot of food in there before a tough workout. Now I eat about 1 hour before and pwo nutrition immediately following.
Personally I have a whey shake 30 minutes (ish) before a workout, and another mixed with milk immdeiately afterwards.

For running, same except when I get home I get a jacket potato or some pasta into me as well.

The porridge was one of those things you just don't think about :D
Please don't curse in your thread title..