Hockey to violent


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Anyone saw the game between the Canucks and the Avs on Monday night?
It was pretty out of controll. Bertuzzi is now the bad guy!!
I still like him but I surely hope that this incident will change a few things in the hockeyworld
:) :rolleyes: Okay I watched this game and yes I do agree that this something that should not have happened. However, I do feel that Bertuzzi should know the full extent of his punishment now. Is he going to be able to play hockey next season or is he not. Things like this are not suppossed to happen but it does. But since Bertuzzi is not a rockie and he should know better I deo feel that he is being used as an example to show the league that this kind of behavior is not tolerated. If you watch the replay it will show you that Moore is frapping the whole time until he was hit. So is it okay to provoke other players or not. Maybe that is why Moore has not made a statement to the police. I don't know. I still like Bertuzzi and he will always be a big part of the Vancouver Canucks. I don't think that this will stop me from watching hockey as I am a true Fan of the Canucks.
Alright, alright. I saw the game as well. And I disagree with what sugar stated about this incident maybe changing a few things in hockey. Hockey has been and will always be full contact sport. Fighting is and has always been part of the game. I don't think this incident will change a thing. Guys will still hit each other just as hard as they always have.

As for Bertuzzi punishment I disagree with. Why should be be suspended for the rest of the season plus the playoffs and possiblity of maybe not being able to play next season, where as Marty McSorley hit a guy, and now the guy has to eat out of a tube. And all Marty got was a slap on the rest. If the league wanted to make an example of the disicplinary action against such behaviour it's unfair to do it to Bertuzzi. They should have done the example with Marty and previous players who have done just as bad of a hit.
Steve Moore was provocing Bertuzzi and just like any other person something in him snapped and he reacted. Steve Moore should be held just as responsible as Bertuzzi, however I don't think Bertuzzi meant to hurt him that bad. If you saw the press conference that Bertuzzi had, he did not look like a man who meant to hurt someone as he was crying and apologizing for his mistake. This incident has effected him in an emotional way that will probably be with him for the rest of his life. I think he has punished himself by probably running the hit over and over again in his mind and thinking of 'what if'.

Therefore, he SHOULD be allowed to play next season. The suspension of the rest of this year and the playoffs are enough for this man. This incident will not change the game of hockey and it shouldn't. It was something that just went bad.

As for the police being involved...the fan(s) who called them had no right in doing so. The league would make sure that the punishment suited. You don't need to drag Bertuzzi through hell and back, I think he's doing that all on his own by the guilt that he'll carry and will probably have to seek some counsoulleing.

I'll stop now as I will probably have a lot of people disagreeing with me and I could keep going on. I will not stop watching and enjoying the game of hockey!
Hello there,

I didn't see the game - not a hockey fan but since you started this thread....did anything happen???
Did they change some of the rules for the game? Is the guys hockey career over?
no, nothing has changed, but it might ... but probably not. I think some of the rougher guys might make second thoughts before jumping someone, but hockey is hockey .. fighting will always be a part of the game. THe problem with sports like hockey is they never do anything until someone gets hurt ... Bertuzzi's punch was a good shot and happened to knock the guy unconcious ... but, what if it didn't ... same attack from behind. Basically, what i'm saying is that these anticks will continue as no one will think about the consequences ... and the game goes on.