Hip problem - instability?

Hi guys

I have been experiencing problems with my hips, and tried to make them better without any success.

The problem is:
When I run the are moving in transversal plane, hence they're not really stable. I guess hip/pelvis should be in a straight horizontal line while running. I have tried to become stronger in m. gluteus medius and done some exercises for the hips and haven't been running during this time.

However, I went out for a walk (~1,5 hours) and felt this discomfortness in my hips again! It it not painful, but it is an extremely discomfort.

I also must mention that I have a length discrepancy of about 0,7cm, so nothing significant really, and I don't experience with just one hips, sometimes it is the right, sometimes the left and so on.

Do anyone have tip on how I can fix this?
I also must mention that I have a length discrepancy of about 0,7cm, so nothing significant really, and I don't experience with just one hips, sometimes it is the right, sometimes the left and so on.

This sounds funny.... sorry i am not making fun of you, so your problem is with your hips do one thing change your sitting arrangement like use soft pillow for sitting...