HIIT and weight training

I'm just wondering, what is the best way to fit HIIT into a weight training routine? Would something like this make sense:

Monday: weight training (with legs) early in the day, HIIT later in the day
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: weight training (with legs) early in the day, HIIT later in the day
Thursday: nothing
Friday: weight training (also with legs) early in the day, HIIT later in the day

(using the above routine, I wouldn't actually be doing nothing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'd be practicing martial arts almost every day of the week.)

Or would something like this be better:

Monday: weight training (with legs)
Tuesday: HIIT
Wednesday: weight training (with legs)
Thursday: HIIT
Friday: weight training (with legs)

The reason I'm lifting with my legs during every weight lifting workout is that I'm trying to focus on beefing my legs up. Mondays and Fridays I'd also be doing a well-rounded lifting routine with my arms, and Wednesdays I'd be doing an ab workout. My concern with adding HIIT training to this routine is that HIIT can be a pretty tough leg workout. I'm not sure whether HIIT shoudl be done on the same day as weight training (so during the days in between, my legs would have a good chance to rest from both workouts), or whether I should do HIIT on days when I don't weight train.

(also, I know this might be an unhealthy level of focus on my legs, but Im
just planning to try it out for a couple of weeks)
It really comes down to the overall volume and intensity through the week.

You have MA how many days a week, what style, and how long are the classes. What does your HIIT routine look like? How long are you in the gym and what does the intensity look like?

More than likely doing HIIT and weight training on the same day will comprimise your MA performance if you also do MA on the same day.
The martial art is Tae Kwondo, I have it Monday-Thursday (although the only mandatory day is Tuesday), and classes run about an hour. I do HIIT for 20 minutes, at 2 minute intervals (meaning 5 cycles of low intensity/ high intensity). I do it on either an elyptical machine or a stairclimber; on the elyptical, my high intensity setting is 14 or 15, and the low intensity setting is 5 or 6, and on the stairclimber my high intensity setting is 12 or 13, and the low intensity is 5 or 6. After I do HIIT, I do 5 minutes of cooldown at about resistance level 7 or 8 on either machine.

More than likely doing HIIT and weight training on the same day will comprimise your MA performance if you also do MA on the same day.

Would that mean that doing HIIT on days when I don't weight train would be a good idea. Again, thanks for the input Evo :)