help with fat armpits? (unfortunately pic attached!)

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Hi everyone, newbie here. Thanks for reading!

I have a qq about fat armpits. I know one can't spot reduce, so I'm starting to exercise regularly (~6-7hrs of kung fu/dance per week) to burn the fat down. Right now, I'm 5'5" ~141lbs.

I want to speed the process up by adding some pec/pit/shoulder exercises, and I hoped that one of y'all could help direct me a bit. What exercises do you think would work best? (given the picture, again, sorry about it!)

Weights? Reps?

Thanks a lot everyone!


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A caloric deficit tends to cause weight loss (both lean body mass and fat, in amounts determined by your genetics). A caloric deficit with exercise tends to cause fat loss and retention of lean body mass. The most effective exercise for retention of lean body mass is resitance exercise, the most effective reistance exercise is heavy compound movements with free weights (squat, deadlift, bench press/pushup, overhead press/handstand pushup, row, pullup/pulldown).

Although your martial arts/dance practice may give you some good cardiovasculer training and endurance training for your legs, if you want to maximize fat loss while retaining lean body mass, resistance exercise is the most effective. It does not need to be much, since you are doing the martial arts and dance: 20 minutes 3 times week is enough. Start with 2 sets of 12 reps of each of the exercises listed above, with a weight that is relatively easy and add a small increment of weight each week until you find you can just complete 12 reps on the second set.

If you want to focus on that area you can add a couple of other exercises like lying flyes and/or lying pullovers, if you have the time and energy, but do not forfit the basic exercises listed above for these, as 98% of the benefit will come from the basics.
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Thanks dswithers for all your great advice!

I'm sorry for the late reply, I've been moving house, so internet has been scarce.

I've got 5lb free weights, and I've been working out with those according to your advice. I'll work up the courage to go to the gym and work out with heavier weights and equipment.

I'll update in a few weeks, to see how the fatty armpits have gone down with the right exercise. =)

Thanks again!
To echo what DSWithers has already said, your main focus would be fat loss, muscle building can help, but it wont get rid of fat and muscle lies beneath any layer/s of fat you may have. If your building up the muscle you may experience larger muscles which in turn can give the impression your fat is growing- its not, (unless your eating more and exercising less) but the muscles beneath could be growing.

Best thing you can do is to watch your diet, watch what you eat in way of calories and eating 3 meals a day sort of thing. You lose weight should go down if you stick to a weight loss plan (calorie reduction) and as a result any excess fat will be reduced.

Do keep up any muscle work though, muscles help as they require your body to burn more calories just for them to exist, so your basic calorie amount rises. You need a calorie deficit to lose weight so this can have an inpact. Its important to keep up the muscle work though as when losing weight, your body obtains its energy not just from excess fat but also from muscles, both of which are broken down.
Thanks for the advice summer!

You've laid it out really clearly, thanks! =) One of my weaknesses is definitely my's too easy for me to go eat out at a restaurant and not cook. I'll try to eat healthier, get in some more whole foods and fruits/vegetables.

Sigh, and cook more. Bleh. lol. =D
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