HELP! Not loosing weight

I have been on the following diet for a month now and I'm not loosing any weight! I lost a couple pounds after 2 weeks, but have hit a plateau. I'm 22, 5'6, 129 lbs. Diet is as follows:

Calories Eaten Today
source grams cals %total
Total: 1567
Fat: 37 332 22%
Sat: 9 78 5%
Poly: 11 99 7%
Mono: 13 118 8%
Carbs: 170 605 40%
Fiber: 19 0 0%
Protein: 141 566 38%

My workout is as follows:

Mon - Chest/Bi/Tri/Shoulders/Run(30 min)

Tue - Run(40 min)

Thur - Legs/Back

Fri - Run(40 min)

Sat morning - Run(40 min)

your diet seems fine. you have pretty good percentages there. just make sure that you try and eat foods that arnt too refined. try and choose more natural and unprocessed foods. example: wholemeal bread instead of white!

i would say that you should change your workout slightly. what you have already seems good but a re-arrangement could probably help. try this:

monday: chest/triceps
tuesday: run
wednesday: back/biceps
thursday: run
friday: shoulders/legs
saturday: run
sunday: rest

do all exercises with 3 sets and 10 reps.

also, how about cutting ur running time to 20 mins each time and doing something called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). do a 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cooldown and what i would call a base speed (something that is fairly easy, like jogging) and then every other minute run as fast as you can in one minute. so like this:

5 min warm up (jogging)
1 min fast running
1 minute jog
1 min fast running
1 minute jog
1 min fast running
1 minute jog
1 min fast running
1 minute jog
1 min fast running
1 minute jog
5 min cool down

this should kick start your fat loss again and help you to loose weight.

let me know if it helps :)