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New member
I am a new mother of two beautiful twin girls. Well who am I kidding they are 6 months old. I thought for sure I would have lost most of the weight by now but thats not the case at all. I lost 10 pounds but gained it all back. I am finding it hard to get the motovation to loose the 80 pounds I need to to get back to where I was when I first met my Hubby. Help!
Hi twin mommy, welcome to the forum. I have a 6.5 month old daughter :) Luckily, breastfeeding has helped me lose a lot of weight since the birth of my baby, that mixed with light dieting of course. If there's anything I can do to help get you motivated let me know :) Are these your firsts? Abby was my first and I was amazed (not in a good way) at the toll pregnancy can take on your body! Anyway, good luck! :)
It's not easy

I have an 11 month old boy and I also gained 80lbs. when I was pregnant and just now returned to my pre baby weight. It is not easy at all, my two major motivations were my gym offered child care and I could not afford to buy an entirely new wardrobe and I was not about to live out the rest of my life in maternity clothes. I hate exercise, and love greasy food but with a little portion control and 4 days a week at the gym it came right off.
Mothers have always filled a vital role in educating children, but since the late 20th century, the role of fathers in child care has gained more weight and social acceptance in some Western countries
well its common after pregnancy to gain weight. You need to relax and set a proper exercise regime and diet.If you're a relative newcomer to exercise, start with pregnancy exercise for beginners. You can enjoy low-impact exercise such as walking, swimming, and low-impact aerobics. Never start an exercise regime without first talking to your healthcare provider.
I am a new mother of two beautiful twin girls. Well who am I kidding they are 6 months old. I thought for sure I would have lost most of the weight by now but thats not the case at all. I lost 10 pounds but gained it all back. I am finding it hard to get the motovation to loose the 80 pounds I need to to get back to where I was when I first met my Hubby. Help!

Welcome twinmommy! Someone once told me that you didn't gain the weight overnight...you won't lose it that way either!!! It's true. Just be honest with yourself regarding your expectations as far as where you want to be and set a goal. Set mini goals. One thing I did see was "HUBBY" in there...you should be doing this for YOU. When you remove all the other people as focus and focus on YOU...it gets easier!
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