hello moms!


New member
Hello all other mom's out there reading this. I just had a baby 6 months ago, and for the past 4 months I have been trying to lose the leftover fat. I don't have time to go to our local YMCA for exercise, with trying to juggle a baby and schoolwork. I am only 15 so it is pretty tough for me. I had a great body before I got pregnant, and I would really like that back. After my sister had a baby, she did crunches forever, and it worked pretty well for her, so she told me to do the same thing. I have been doing 20 crunches a night, and when the baby is with her father, I jog or walk around the block, but nothing seems to be working. I even tried dieting, and I figured out I am not very good with diets. My brother told me that if I had sex, like hot sex, where you sweat alot, that it will help. I highly doubt it will, and, I am turned against sex at this moment. So I need help. If there are any tips you could give me to lose this baby fat, I would appreciate it so much.
Oh, and when the weather is nice here, since it has been warming up in my part of town, I sometimes take the baby with me walking, if that helps any of you who could give me ANY tips
Thank you!!!
Hi Hun! Wow, a baby at 15, you have quiet a road infront of you, but you can do it. It will just take some focus and determination. I had my first at 19, but I was fresh out of h.s. and was single..i did it and I'd do it again. The love my girl gives me is worth its weight in gold :)

Anyways...I'd really focus on a lifestyle change if I were you, as opposed to a diet. You can do like a 1200 cal thing (which is what I do and works well for me) or you can work on little things at a time. Like say, one week, you'll cut out pop. THen the next week, cut out the pop, but add something, like no eating after 7 (or 3 hrs before bed). ect.

As far as excersize, you might need to look around...i think parenting websites would be the place..but there are excersizes you can actually do w/ your baby. I used to lay on my back w/ my legs together and knees drawn up by my chest. Lay my baby on my legs (holding onto her hands) and do leg lifts. The baby's just get a kick out of that! No pun intended :)

Good luck hun and let me know if you have anymore questions!!

edit.....also, crunches are great, but is 20 all you can do for now? you really want to strip that muscle so do your crunches till you feel like you just cant do one more

thanks for your advice...my oldest sister did that with her son, but she told me it hurt her legs a lot. I'll try it...thanks again!
Hi mommy15728. When I had my first child at 18 yrs. I tried to lose weight right afther also but afther her first birthday I went on a 1200 hundred calorie also and worked out daily(treadmill and ellipical)and I lost alot of weight in a month(30).Then gained it all back afther my second child. But everyones body is different. And you are body is dtill devloping.And your body just went through alot having your child. So give it time. And if you don't see the results right away don't give up. It takes time especailly If you wanna keep it off for good. So good luck and keep diong what you're diong so far.

It's amazing how many women here have had young babies! You can welcome me to the club - It's so hard to gain all that weight when you're young too.. but keep your spirits up girls!