Hello all, newbie here.


New member
My name is Sabrina. I've been married for four years to Erin (yeah the girl spelling:eek: ), five this November, and I have two children. Brianna is turning four next month and Eyan will be five months on the 21st. I am 22, will be 23 in August. I'm 5'4" and currently (as in I just got off the scales at 9pm:rolleyes: :eek: :( ) and boy am I surprised... I weigh 205.5:confused: Yeah I really expected more like 200.:(

Anyway, I have been lacking motivation lately. I just can't get myself into gear. We are in the process of buying a house if everything goes as planned and then space won't be an excuse and my daughter starts pre-k so time also won't be an excuse. My son takes long naps right now.

Anyway, that is pretty much all I can think of right now. Can't wait to meet you all.