Healthy icecream ?


New member
Came up with this when I was doodling around in the kitchen.

50g Banana

20g Vanilla Whey proteinpowder

50g frozen strawberries

25g frozen blueberries

Mix all together in a blender. Simple as that.

You get a light mix with the consistency of yoghurt, just maybe a little "puffier".

Put in the freezer for 2-3 hours, and there you have yourself a great tasting, healthier alternative to icecream.

Coming in at only about 103 kcal, 11,2g protein, 13,2g Carbs and 0,6g fat per 100g (recipe is 145g).

Could probably replace some of the frozen berries with other fruits and/or berries.

What do you guys think about this?

- Here's the nutrition value for the whole serving

Kcal: 150

Protein: 16,2g

Carbs: 19,2g

Fat: 0,9g
Thank you for sharing! Ice-cream is my weakness... will be definitely trying this recipe!
I love yoplait light yogurt with lots of granola and fruit (strawberries, blueberries, bananas) ... I guess it's like a parfait!
ADon't even get me started on ice-cream!!! I lOve vanilla ice-cream with strawberries, blackberries and rasberries(I usually use frozen ones). And I love nestle drumsticks:) and hugen das-this one btw doesn't have additives that are not good for our health:)
When I crave ice cream, I notice I never want the same amount I usually would eat first of all. A tiny little mini serving is incredibly satisfying. With that being said, I love the mini size skinny cow ice creams.

so delicious and only around 136 calories.
While not exactly health food, Edy's slow churned Ice Creamed TASTES AWESOME, is lower in fat, AND COSTS THE SAME!
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