Gym NOOB. Comment on my pics and regime?

Hey guys. I'm Matt, I just turned 20 years old and I'm about 6'1 and 165 lbs. I've discovered I have nothing to do after work so I got a gym membership and for the past month I've been using it quite a bit. Problem is I really don't know what I'm doing on any level, so I'm probably making attaining my goals a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I've always felt like a skinny guy and want to bulk up a little bit and tone up my body. I don't really want to become a big muscle jock or anything, because I like the slim toned guy look. But I do feel like I need to get bigger in places and really define my body. Here are some pics (I didn't want to put them into the post because they were too big):


I'm looking to enhance my chest, there's really not much there. And I'd like to get tight, visible, cut abs.


My back is just really...plain. I'd like to give it some definition, there's nothing really there.


I would like my arms and shoulders (biceps, triceps, forearms and delts) to get bigger and definitely become really tight and toned.


Legs...I really don't know what I want to do with them. You might think they're small but I sort of like the slim look? I wouldn't mind pumping them up a little bit. Mainly I want to get my calfs a lot bigger, but otherwise I've been toning (especially my hamstrings and to a larger extent my glutes).

So here's what I've been doing for the past couple of weeks:

Monday: Weight Training - Chest, back, quads, hamstrings, abs. Two different kinds of exercises each, and with each exercise I do 3 sets 8 reps each with a challenging weight. For the abs I just do two different kind of ab exercises, 3 sets of 15 reps each.

Tuesday: 45 minutes of biking

Wednesday: Weight Training - Biceps, Triceps, Glutes, Calfs, Obliques, Lower Abs. For the arms and legs I do two different exercises, 3x15. Abs same as abs above.

Thursday: Swimming (about 600 m)

Friday : Same as Monday (weight lifting)

Saturday: Same as Tuesday (Biking)

And then it just continues in that kind of pattern. As far as food goes...I think I'm eating enough? Or atleast the right food? I don't know how much I should be eating or what kinds of food, but I try and eat a lot of protein and carb-rich grains.

If you've read all this, and are interested in commenting, thank you, and please go ahead. :)
This is a good base to build up from.

Not much body fat and decently lean.

The more detail you put in your diet, the faster you will get results.

See it as 80% diet / 20% exercise.

Remember to switch exercises every few weeks, or you will plateau.

For your legs, nothing is better than squats and/or deadlifts.
Keep taking those vitamins I see in the back of your picture. Kidding, but seriously. Anyways, looks like you need to go do some reading on a bulking cycle. Take into consideration the amount of time and effort you will need to put forth. Everyone on this forum will tell you that. Too much information is out there in the open (via Google) to be put into a single post. Therefore, I will leave it up to you to go and search your options on bulking. Also, there are references contained within these forums on how to achieve such goals.

Best of Luck
plenty of protein filled foods and alot of fibre.
fish - cod steaks,tuna,prawns
alot of fruit aswell, bananas apples rasberries.
Hey guys. I'm Matt, I just turned 20 years old and I'm about 6'1 and 165 lbs. I've discovered I have nothing to do after work so I got a gym membership and for the past month I've been using it quite a bit. Problem is I really don't know what I'm doing on any level, so I'm probably making attaining my goals a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I've always felt like a skinny guy and want to bulk up a little bit and tone up my body. I don't really want to become a big muscle jock or anything, because I like the slim toned guy look. But I do feel like I need to get bigger in places and really define my body. Here are some pics (I didn't want to put them into the post because they were too big):


I'm looking to enhance my chest, there's really not much there. And I'd like to get tight, visible, cut abs.


My back is just really...plain. I'd like to give it some definition, there's nothing really there.


I would like my arms and shoulders (biceps, triceps, forearms and delts) to get bigger and definitely become really tight and toned.


Legs...I really don't know what I want to do with them. You might think they're small but I sort of like the slim look? I wouldn't mind pumping them up a little bit. Mainly I want to get my calfs a lot bigger, but otherwise I've been toning (especially my hamstrings and to a larger extent my glutes).

So here's what I've been doing for the past couple of weeks:

Monday: Weight Training - Chest, back, quads, hamstrings, abs. Two different kinds of exercises each, and with each exercise I do 3 sets 8 reps each with a challenging weight. For the abs I just do two different kind of ab exercises, 3 sets of 15 reps each.

Tuesday: 45 minutes of biking

Wednesday: Weight Training - Biceps, Triceps, Glutes, Calfs, Obliques, Lower Abs. For the arms and legs I do two different exercises, 3x15. Abs same as abs above.

Thursday: Swimming (about 600 m)

Friday : Same as Monday (weight lifting)

Saturday: Same as Tuesday (Biking)

And then it just continues in that kind of pattern. As far as food goes...I think I'm eating enough? Or atleast the right food? I don't know how much I should be eating or what kinds of food, but I try and eat a lot of protein and carb-rich grains.

If you've read all this, and are interested in commenting, thank you, and please go ahead. :)

Post your diet please big guy. Monday - Friday. Listen when I tell you bud, food if eating the right food can give you steroid like results.