Weight-Loss Group 3 - Here We Go!!!!!!

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Hi everyone, the weekend was not so good for me. Still nibbling while trying to do that paper for college and went out for dinner on Saturday night. At least my munchies were low fat (pretzels, rice crackers etc) and in measured portions, so maybe not so bad. Made a wise choice at dinner of pasta with meat balls in a tomato sauce and one glass of wine. I suppose it comes down to choice and I choose healthy!!!!!! :D WE CAN DO THIS! :cool:
Oooo, I almost forgot. I love the dancing pickle! V.cool KC. Thanks.
I hate to say it.....but I think we need to bounce Criminal Tactic out of the group. If she doesn't weigh in by tomorrow..... :(
That sucks about criminaltactic. Oh well. How has everyone been doing??? I have been so busy!! But my diet is going really well. I finally get off work early today and I don't have to pick up any other shifts ( I hope ) so I can run for a good while today. I am so excited about next week!! I haven't weighed myself, but tomorrow I will. Since it will be one week. Then I will try to PM you guys to tell you where I'm at. Hopefully I'm lighter!! Did you guys miss me, or just gettin worried? Hehe. Sorry I had typing withdrawals I think!! Checkin in this evening!! BYE! LOVE THE PICKLE!!!
Typing withdrawl! I love it! I'm doing well! I've gotten on the scale and I think when I get on there tomorrow I will pm you as well! Pretty excited!!!
Hi guys, Just touching base. Eating plan is going well no problems there BUT it's pouring with rain here in sunny Australia! :( Can't get in as much exercise as I wanted to but am getting out and walking in between the showers, 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Something is better than nothing I suppose!? I'm hoping the weather clears up abit this coming week and I can get out on my bike. I was offerred a large piece of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting yesterday at work. It looked so good and I got a taste of it by halving it with someone else. There are ways and means of having your cake and eating it too! (Pardon the pun :rolleyes: ). Otherwise all good and on track :)
This weather is getting me down. I think in the last 3 weeks there was only 1 day without precipation. It frickin snowed yesterday! I woke up to 3 inches! Tomorrow night supposed to get like 6inches. UGH
We miss snow (last year we were in FL and now we are in SC), but 6 inches before Halloween seems excessive!
At least Swiss Miss makes a no sugar added hot chocolate!
Go, Hippy Hotties!
It was pretty nice here this weekend. Didn't do much exercise. But I am back on track today. I hope everyone is well.
Okay. Told in my diary why I am weighing in now. I will be sleeping tomorrow when everyone weighs in. I figured it to be more fair that I weigh in now instead of Saturday or something.

I was 143.6 when we started this.
Weighed In just 5 minutes ago at 139.8. TOTAL LOSS--3.8 right?

Math never was my best subject. But when it comes to weight loss- I want to be accurate!!!

Group 3-Cora, TotallyScrappy, Ali-- Thank YOU for everything!!! I hope no one is mad at me for not making the 5 pound mark. I'm sorry. I promise you that I gave my best!!
Next competition...hope to see you all there!! In the meantime, I will be praying all the best to you girls!! GO HIPPY HOTTIES!!!!!!
You did awesome! I on the other hand....stayed the same. Mid competition my weight went up 6 pounds and now it is back to the same starting weight. My friend told me that maybe it was due to monthly hormonal changes, water weight etc. I had a hysterectomy 8 years ago, so I don't have a period to keep track of, so I don't know if that was the deal or not. All I know is that I followed my diet and I gained weight, then lost it again. But in the end my ending weight is 221.

Hi guys, just reporting my weight loss for the group challenge.

Didn't quite make 5lbs but did manage to lose 4.2 lbs :)

Looking forward to the next club challenge.......this was fuuuunnnnn :D

Good luck to you all :D
Honeybee, 3.8 WHOO-HOO!!!
Trutlemama, you stayed the same... that is it's own victory! (Especially since you lost gained and lost 6 pounds in the middle of the challenge.) (I have decided that I hate hormones! I've had monthly "issues" this month which are still not resolved... I thought I was going to go nuts with the food cravings and the irritability.
Ali, 4.2 WOW!
Okay. So, I bet you are waiting to see my loss... 3.5! Yippee!
Grand total 11.5!
Go, Hippy Hotties! We are a rocking group!
Thanks, ladies for all your posts and hard work. This challenge was a real boost to my wieght loss journey. I now weigh what my siggy says! I'm back on track.
TurtleMomma said:
This weather is getting me down. I think in the last 3 weeks there was only 1 day without precipation. It frickin snowed yesterday! I woke up to 3 inches! Tomorrow night supposed to get like 6inches. UGH

I hear it is REALLY REALLY cold in the winters where you live! I love snow though! I live in south Alabama and snow is just a mere thought here. I lived in PA for 10 years and remember to snow. I moved to Alabama when I was 10 (I am now almost 37) so I very rarely ever see snow unless it is on television.
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