Going Down Together Club

btw.. reverse crunches are easier than regular ones. I do both.. Most the time 1/3rd regular crunches 2/3rds reverse crunches. But as my back has got stronger I can do more regular ones.
Alicia, on my calorie counting website it does a nutritional pie chart of what I eat, next to what I should be having. It is split 55% carb, 15% protein and 30% fat. So it sounds like your fat percentage is spot on. I think that the percentages help a balanced diet and helps even out your blood sugar, but I do believe that calories are the bottom line. Burn off more than you eat and you lose weight. I may be wrong though ...... who knows! :rolleyes:

Avi, what is the difference between regular and reverse crunches. And do you go from the floor straight up to your knees or do you do small movements?
Well I guess I'll just stick to what I'm doing for right now. I read that transfat (this is the article http://www.webmd.com/content/article/123/115139 )makes you gain more fat than good fats so I'll definately need to watch any bad fats. You are right though cals in vs cals burned is the key.

I really need to do crunches lol. What do you mean reverse, like lifting your legs up?
reverse crunches are legs together, knees bent pulling them up against your chest while your laying down flat on your back.

A true crunch only comes part way up... if you come all the way up in a crunch its not a crunch its a sit-up. When I do regular crunches I come up to the part where my upper stomach gets tight... and then back down. all using stomach muscles, arms and hands do not assist.
Thanks for that Avi, for some reason I had it in my head that you were all the way up, and lowering your body half way to the ground .... I think that might snap something though :D I heard that crunches are better than sit ups because you concentrate on the stomach muscles more, whereas with sit ups you end up taking the emphasise off that area as you get to the top (I've probably just told you something that you already know :rolleyes: )

And Alicia, another bit of info that you probably already know, good sources of good fat if you want to up your % healthily are avocados, salmon, seeds and nuts and olive oil. ;)
I haven't found a good way to eat avocados... and I lived near an avocado farm for 3 months... lol.

Salmon = good fat.. omega 3.

*sad today but will try and not let weight get her down*

I swear my tummy is flatter!
I like avocado, chicken and lemon .... or in a salad ... or in guacomole ... mmmmmm

Hey, Avi, I'm sure your tummy IS flatter with all those crunches ... and how much do you think those firm abs weigh? A certain amount I bet ;) Keep your chin up, the scales are just a number ... you can see and feel how much you have achieved :)
my waist is smaller too. But the thing is my goals are in lbs.. not how I feel. I need to be 150 by August 31st... and with going back up to 169 I don't think I will make it. :/ I want that belly button ring!
my waist is smaller too. But the thing is my goals are in lbs..

Well the smaller waist is a fantastic thing... maybe you should change your goals to inches and don't worry so much about he number on the scale...
I dont measure very often.. I was jsut home and have this pair of old jeans that I try on each time I go home (parents home) and see how they feel. THis time I acsually fit into them. Not that I am going to wear them... fairly ugly.. but they where smaller than me and not stretchy so a goal. So I know I am getting smaller. But lbs mean alot to me... :/ Once I get down to 150 it wont matter to me anywhere between 140 - 150.. but till then it matters. :(
I agree with Mal. I think that a belly button ring goal is reliant on what your tummy is like, and that's all about inches lady. With all the muscle you are building, you may be setting yourself an impossible goal. Why not find out the waist measurement of the size you want to be, and aim for that.

And WooHoo!!!! for fitting into those jeans. It just shows that you are making progress even if the scales are being meanies!!
aw avi you're just like me! the scale owns us, its just like how i would die to be anywhere in the lower 120's. but thats awesome about your jeans! that happened to me the other day too. i measured my waist and i've lost 2 1/2 inches from it. I actually measure my upper part of my waist (the narrowist part) and my lower part (the part around my belly button because thats where i've got my belly). The lower part is whats gone down 2.5 inches (from 32.5 to 30) and my upper part is now 27 inches (instead of 28.5) and look at me...i'm probabyly famous on here for having plateaued for so long (aka my entire diet lol). i agree with mrs. b and everyone, maybe you should set an inches goal or something for your belly button ring? I have no idea how many inches a stomach is supposed to be for a medium frame...does anyone know where we can look up things like that?

i hope everyone else has been doing well! i've been so busy working two jobs these last four days. i'm going to go look at everyone's diary's/FSD rigt now :)
*has a large frame*

And just measuring waist doesn't seem enough... weight is more an over-all loss.. where waist is just the middle portion has nothing to do with theighs or the rest of the body.
I need helppppp!!! I got into the ice cream and chocolate today!!! :(

I did great the entire day.. except for that :(


*hugs water*

I did a 35 min vigorous walk yesterday morning... so i hope that helped. Yesterday i was a perfect angel with my eating :)
These scales are being right b*tches!!!! And Cannon's away ...... who is going to take them in hand!! :confused: Any volunteers ... :rolleyes:
Hey Avajayne, I noticed that this thread was looking a bit neglected as well. I think its because most of the people on this thread are in the FSD, and all the chat goes on over there. Things are going 'ok' with me despite a couple of hiccups. How are you doing?
Yes, I realized that too. Unfortuneately since I don't participate anymore (obsessive weigher :-o) I don't get a chance to see how everyone is doing and join in on the talk over there. Glad to hear you are well for the most part. I can say I'm not doing so bad either. Just keeping at it!