Getting abs

My name is Matt and I have a dilema. I need to get into really great shape by May!! I am a senior in High school and we are having our senior outing on May 28th. It is to this resort with a pool and stuff and I want to look really good. I weigh about 160 and I am 6ft tall. I definetly want to get washboard abs. I have bought so much stuff from different stores, such as "6 Second Abs", "Zumba", and "Walk Away the Pounds". I don't want to loose weight, I just want to get in good shape. I definetly want to see definition. I want to eat better and work out more but every time I do my mom is constantly saying "You don't need to get in shape, you are fine!". What can I do to see quick results?
Any diet suggestions? Please write them down! I am deperate!
Here is my email:
Thank you So much!
desperate, eh? what would you pay? .. just kidding. Well, you face two problems ... 1) there is generally no such thing as a quick fix ... otherwise everyone would have 'washboard abs' 2) you are already in pretty good shape, so seeing quick results is harder for you than for someone that would have 60 lbs to lose. If you are already pretty skinny (which at 160 lbs, you probably are), then you could probably just focus on ab exercises, but skip the standard and go to the more advanced. If you can do more than 30 in a set of any of them, then find something harder. You can start on for ab exercises
I have a question concering abs Im 208 lbs at about 5'9 and ive been doing ab exercises and my stomach is getting harder but one thing i notice is it seems my stomach comes out more now like i have a beer gut
ok well you're probably not seeing definition because just doing ab work outs dont make you look lean, believe me i probably have hard abs, but a layer of fat is covering them! ahhhh so stupid right? well it happens, you need to do aerobic excersises to get rid of the fat, you might not even have that much fat. see, but you might not be able to lose it super fast...try running, :) it's good cardio, and should help. just dont kill yourself with it, go easy in the beginning, increase later, push yourself, but not to the limit. p.s. eat healthier, if you dont eat healthy that is, you wont lose it if you put in gobs of bad food. sorry it might be hard, it is for me at least, hey u might be better at it tho