G8r80's training / dieting / cycling / log

Its been a while g8, still keeping your journal.............im proud of you lad :D

How's things?
Thanks, Tom, but I had stopped posting here for months, but decided to resume my journal to encourage others.

I'm dong great. I'm up to 2 reps at 225# on the bench, 365# on deadlift (failed at 405), but pathetic on the squat.
Thanks, Johnny, but at 200#, I am not exactly a little guy.

Today: chinups: 4x5
dips: 3x10
spin class: 45:00
10K road race tomorrow
Ran the Fishhawk Ranch 10K in 1:00:06 - 6 seconds over my goal (but the distance was long - 6.27 miles instead of 6.20).
Sunday and Monday: busy with life
Tuesday: Ran 2 miles to gym. Bench press: 135#x5, 185#:3x4, 225#x1 (with no lift off and no hesitation - probably could have done 2), pullups: 5x5, 40 minutes on stationary bike, ran 2 miles back to hotel.

Current weight: 198. Goal weight: 185.
Ran 2 miles to the YMCA. Squats: 135#x5, 185#:3x5, Deadlifts: 185#:x5, 225#:5x5, 51 minutes on stationary bike, ran 2 miles back to hotel.
Ran 2 miles to YMCA. Bench press: 135#x5, 185#x3, failed at 225#, 135#x15, 185#x3. Chinups: 4x5. Ran 2 miles back to hotel. Felt tired and weak at gym today.
Friday: Ran 2 miles to gym. Squats: 135#x5, 155#:5x5. Bench: 135#x5, 185#x4, 205#x1, 225#x1. Pullups: 5x5. 40 minutes on stationary bike. Ran 2 miles back to hotel.

Saturday: Dips: 2x10. Chins: 3x5. Struggled with both of these. I think I need to rest the arms.
40 minutes on stationary bike, holding 200 watts.
Thanks, Tom, but I had stopped posting here for months, but decided to resume my journal to encourage others.

I'm dong great. I'm up to 2 reps at 225# on the bench, 365# on deadlift (failed at 405), but pathetic on the squat.

Brilliant g8, weren't you once struggling to break 200lbs? I can now do a set of 10 with 220lbs on a good day, which is huge improvement.

Well done on the deads, i've stopped deadlifting for now because of my back. I'm squatting though, but just doing lower weight and building up.
Hey Tom, 10 reps at 100kg! That's fantastic - I remember when you couldn't do one and I couldn't break 200#. We have both progressed.

I need to work on squats more, but my squat weakness is not my quads, it's the inner thigh muscles because I go low (to horizontal). I don't know if I really need those muscles, so I am thinking of "cheating" and only doing partial squats (like most of the blokes at the gym;)) so I work the quads more.
Hi Jackie, how are you doing? Are you still hitting it?

Bench press: 135#x3, 185#:3x3 (shoulders felt weak)
Deadlift: 185#x5, 225#:5x5 fast
Chinups: 10, 5
75 minutes on stationary bike

1 hour on stationary bike. 5x6 chinups

55 minutes on stationary bike intervals. Avg. watts: 180, max watts: 291, avg. hr: 122, max heart rate: 149
dumbbell bench press: 60#: 1x6, 80#: 3x6
chinups: 3x6
Hi Jackie, how are you doing? Are you still hitting it?

Hey, its going ok, im not really hitting it atm, but i will be again.

I cycled for 37 minutes high intensity on Wednesday and 14 minutes on Thursday. And im gonna get out there again tomorrow morning.

I have kinda joined a Triathlon Club, but i haven't been for a while, my goal is to go every wednesday evening from now until my friends birthday which is 23 March.

Wow - you have a lot lined up for this year.

I only have a fun run to do so far, which is 5 miles on 22 April

Your journal is looking strong, time to get back on my horse for real.

Have fun
Jackie xx
Jackie, when are you gonna do a triathlon?

Thursday: Intervals on the stationary bike. Total time: 1:17
Friday: Swim: 1100 yards, bench press: 135#x3, 185#:3x3, pullups: 4x5. Legs felt dead.
Jackie, when are you gonna do a triathlon?

Thursday: Intervals on the stationary bike. Total time: 1:17
Friday: Swim: 1100 yards, bench press: 135#x3, 185#:3x3, pullups: 4x5. Legs felt dead.

Erm.... I don't no, I can't really swim that well. So im not sure If I ever will.

What's your name btw?

Back at ya, Jackie!

Monday: Bench press: 135#x5, 185#:5, 4, 4, 225# x1 (failed on 2nd rep).
Chinups: 5x6
Squats: 155#:5, 5, 5, 5, 1. Felt a sharp twinge in left groin and stopped.
40 minutes of intervals on stationary bike; 142 avg. heart rate on intervals, 123 avg. heart rate during active recovery