Fed Up Film (2014)

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So I'm not sure if anyone has seen this documentary, but I highly HIGHLY recommend it. Below I'm going to list a few facts I've pulled from it, each really effect the obesity in the world. So lets start off.

People are to eat 6-9 tablespoons of sugar daily.

Companies have made 'Less Fat', 'Fat Free' foods in supermarkets and it seems that people tend to substitute their normal junkie foods for these when in all reality, they have the same amount of sugar which in turn forces the body to create more insulin, more insulin makes you think you are hungrier. Thus begins a vicious cycle. Not to mention these diet foods also cause various diseases that effect easily 80% of our population.

Did you know, sugar is eight times more addictive then cocaine?

2 out of 3 Adults are obese, and each year diabetes rates rise, even more so for children. Back in the 1980's there were no children diagnosed, now the number is well over 50,000 children.

Scientists conducted a experiment on mice. The mice were addicted to cocaine and exposed to both the drug and sugar water. The mice preferred the sugar water.
In 1953 large mice and small mice ate the same, but the bigger mice didn't exercise. [Even if you cut calories, eat the same it won't cause a large effect if you don't work it off, even more so if you are consuming the things I've listed below.]

Almonds (We'll say 160 calories) will make you fuller, longer. It isn't stored into fat, and you burn it off faster.
Soda Pop (I'll place this at 160 calories as well.) Is immediately stored into fat, and it doesn't fill you up, instead it makes you crave more.

One 20oz Coke is 1 hour and 30 minutes to burn off that stored fat. For me, I'd drink a two liter of pop a day, thats 67.6oz of soda a day. That's almost 5 hours of working out to burn it off. No one drinking a liter of pop a day is working out 5 hours a day. A two liter of Mountain dew is 276 grams of sugar...That's 18.4 tablespoons of sugar, that's well over our daily allowance of sugar.

It's a vicious cycle, and when you consumer sugar more and more, you become dependent on it. That is how obesity has become so out of control. Ironically enough, food companies disagree with this.

I suggest looking up the 1977 McGovern Report and look at what the Dietary reports were to be, and see what came out of it.

Dairy isn't good for us. Think about it this way. We are the only species that drinks another species milk. From the extra Milk fat came cheese, and then marketing took off to sell it and it flew off the shelves. It still continues to do so.

So these are just a few things I've picked up from this documentary, which I haven't even finished watching.
Very interesting watch. I never myself realized that diet products had substituted fat for more sugar; it's definitely opened my eyes a bit more and hopefully made me more aware of what I will be buying.

It's also nice to see that this isn't all my fault (not that I want to pass the blame) but media and big processed food companies have had a big influence on my intake and therefore led to my current unhealthy state however i now hold myself accountable for what I decide to eat and how I decide to exercise due to the fact I am independently funding my lifestyle and I am more aware of the facts and truths behind it.

I'm considering taking up the fedup challenge. Removing sugar for 10 days. This is going to be difficult for me as I am not a very exotic cook. I need to find some recipes that I will like and stick to for the duration of the challenge.
Thanks for tip about the film - it was a pretty depressing documentary, especially in terms of the corporate corruption contributing to general public health problems.
I'd like to try the no sugar for ten days challenge; it will need some forward planning, though.
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