fat or skin?

very disappointing "cutting" results
always was very slender and had a hernia when I was born
I have been cutting to try to tone up my stomach even though I didnt have much body mass to cut

so here I am, under 135 pounds at 5'7 at the end of my cut and still dont have the definition I was hoping for

I have already began bulking up but I'm still confused at what I could have done differently to tone up my stomach better. Any suggestions? Thanks
That just looks like skin from what I can see. At under 135 I would definetely go for a bit of a bulk and maybe fill it out a little. Also I would concentrate on specifically workin abs to build the actual abdominal muscles rather that just tone em and cut the fat around them, that should fill out that bit of exess skin. I was in your same shoes after I cut aswell with the loose skin just at I higher body weight. Check out my last post on my pic thread and youll see what I mean. Your doin good tho man keep it up !
I'm with Johhny - probably just skin and you're lookin good. That definitely doesn't look like it has any significant amount of fat. You should bulk up though, and the one thing I will disagree with is the abs comment. Work them, sure, but don't get caught up in ab work. If you're hitting the big multi-joint lifts, your abs are getting a good workout. Abs exercises I would stick to are weighted decline crunch, reverse crunches, hanging leg/knee raises, planks, woodchops, cable crunches.
I'm with Johhny - probably just skin and you're lookin good. That definitely doesn't look like it has any significant amount of fat. You should bulk up though, and the one thing I will disagree with is the abs comment. Work them, sure, but don't get caught up in ab work. If you're hitting the big multi-joint lifts, your abs are getting a good workout. Abs exercises I would stick to are weighted decline crunch, reverse crunches, hanging leg/knee raises, planks, woodchops, cable crunches.

I tell him to work abs, you disagree. Then you give him 6 ab exercises to do ? I didnt mean stop doin everything else and just work abs ! I just meant to focus on buildin the abdominals up along with everything else. When I said specifically, I meant sometimes people in his position should rely on more than just multi joint workouts for abs, if hes even doin any, we dont know. Sometimes ya gotta hit a problem spot specifically ! On top of that, all he said was he was on a cut, that can mean anything. He didnt tell us his workout so we cant rush to judgement.
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But im glad your with me on that !!!

I just don't want him to start doing 200 crunches a night and then come back and say "WTF! I worked my abz bro!" :rofl:

You're right, he may need to do more than just multi-joint, but not much. That's all I'm saying.
I just don't want him to start doing 200 crunches a night and then come back and say "WTF! I worked my abz bro!" :rofl:

You're right, he may need to do more than just multi-joint, but not much. That's all I'm saying.

The fact is, we dont know. He may be doin no multi joint for all me and you know. Tellin somebody to focus on a bodypart to build it up is not sayin halt everything else. And if he wants a specific ab workout he can ask. I never said do 200 crunches. I said focus on your abdominals. OP, whats your current workout like ?
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The fact is, we dont know. He may be doin no multi joint for all me and you know. Tellin somebody to focus on a bodypart to build it up is not sayin halt everything else. And if he wants a specific ab workout he can ask. I never said do 200 crunches. I said focus on your abdominals. OP, whats your current workout like ?

I know YOU didn't say it, but sometimes that's what processes to people. Just covering your ass ;). Agreed, let's see the routine.
I know YOU didn't say it, but sometimes that's what processes to people. Just covering your ass ;). Agreed, let's see the routine.

Wow Ride, from the looks of it, ya got the whole forums a** covered :)
I bet you got an alert button in your room that rings everytime a newb posts a new thread. Seriously tho, its good to see people helpin people on here. Too bad the world wasnt like that ha ?
Sorry to hijack OP.
as said above ^^ repost the pictures, they are not showing.