Sport Experience sharing :LET'S DRINK TO WATER! especially in workouts

Sport Fitness


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Did you know that water makes up about 60% of your body?

I’m sure you know the importance of drinking water, but do you actually do it?

I fall into this trap quite a bit. I know, but I let it slip.

We need to be drinking no less than half your body weight in ounces of water per day and even more when it’s hot outside or you’re exercising. Why, you ask?

Let me explain just some of the impact drinking enough water has on your body:

> It prevents dry skin and WRINKLES

> Protects the kidneys from disease and the formation of kidney stones

> Improves physical/athletic performance

> Assists your body in transporting nutrients to vital organs and waste away from them

> Helps to regulate your body temperature

> Keeps headaches at bay

> Improves cognitive performance

> Helps to maintain a normal body weight

And probably a zillion more reasons to add.

One easy way to check your hydration level is through your pee. If your urine is clear to light yellow, you’re well hydrated. If it’s dark yellow or amber, you’re not.

Here are a few tips that can help you stay hydrated throughout the day:

1.Get a reusable cup to always keep full and carry around with you each day

2.Drink plenty of water during, before, and after you exercise

3.Add fruit to water if you don’t like the taste of plain water

4.Put an alarm on your phone that goes off twice per hour to remind you to drink

5.Drink a full glass of water before each meal and when you start to feel hungry (also good for calorie control!)

6.Additionally, if your mouth feels dry, you’re feeling sleepy during the day, you feel slightly lightheaded, or you have a headache, DRINK WATER!

The best thing you can do, though, is stay hydrated and avoid these unpleasant symptoms in the first place! Oh, and NEVER forget to drink water if you’re also consuming alcohol! You’ll thank us for that one the next morning!

I hope you’re feeling inspired to stay hydrated! Let’s drink to that!Thanks for the experience sharing From triumph fitness llc