elbow pain?

i get pain near the lower bicep/elbow area. it is not the outside or inside but in the middle where there are wrinkles. i play tennis and i think it started from my serve but now it hurts even when i hit groundstrokes. it also hurts when i try to flex my whole arm really hard and when i try to push down on a table with my elbow by my side. is this tennis elbow or bicep tendinitis?
thank you
sounds like tennis elbow to me
Nope, tennis elbow is on the lateral epicondyle, so right on that bony protuberance on the outside of your elbow joint, not in the crease at the front of your elbow. It does sound like biceps tendonitis, or if the onset was acute, it may be a mild biceps strain. Need more info...;)
Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon...
A biceps strain involves microtearing of the muscle...sometimes in the belly of the muscle, sometimes at the musculotendinous junction (basically,where the muscle becomes tendon)...Something you could've done while lifting or moving something...if you can remember a moment where you felt a sharp pain at the site, it may have been a strain. If the pain came on progressively, it is more likely tendonitis.
Same Injury

I would recommend staying off the weights for a week or two. If you do want to workout, I'd say go lightly. I developed a pain similar to that which went away after I stopped for a week. If it don't work, I don't know what to tell you! :(