Elaray's Diary

I just registered at this forum today (2/25/04).

According to height and weight charts, I need to lose 65 pounds, but my goal is 25 pounds by the end of 2004. I plan to do this by exercising at least 5 days a week and changing the way I eat. My daughter is providing moral support, but I'm mainly on my own. My goal is to lose 2-3 pounds a month (yes, I said .month :) ! ) I want to establish good habits and if those habits result in weight loss, so much the better.

I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. Several years ago, I had an epiphany. I saw a picture of myself taken when I was in high school. I was suprised at how fat I WASN'T. Sure, I was larger than most, but in my mind I saw myself as much fatter than I actually was. Because people often commented on my size, my self image, self confidence and self esteem were low! Even now that I am loosing weight, I still see myself as fat. I wish people would be more careful about what they say to children and adolescents. You never know how a person is going to internalize what you say to them.

Last July, I decided to start an exercise program. I joined the YMCA a few years earlier, but it was very difficult for me to get there after working all day. So I purchased an elliptical trainer, some dumbbells, a bench and Joyce Vedral's Weight Training Made Easy . I'm proud to say that I've missed very few scheduled workouts. For me, having the equipment in my home makes all the difference. NO EXCUSES! I exercise first thing in the morning and it's working for me. The pants I'm wearing today used to fit much tighter. I'm loosing only about 2 - 4 pounds a month, but I'm happy with that. I try not to weigh myself more than twice a month. I'm still having difficulty making smart food choices. I know what to do , but I don't always do it. If I could eat smarter, the weight would come off faster. This week, I increased my cardio exercise to 5 times a week. It's been a little of a struggle, but I'm sure I can do it. I keep looking forward to the break I get on the weekend:D !

I'm glad to have found this forum. :) I hope to share ideas and experiences here
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I did it! I completed my aerobic routine 5 times this week. I started out in July and I was working out on my elliptical every other day. Then I increased to 4 times a week. This week I did FIVE workouts. I admit, I had to push myself. But, I feel really good about reaching this particular goal. Now that I have this success to build on, I feel I can do 5 elliptical workouts every week. I'm also doing strength workouts with dumbbells 3 times a week. NOw, if I can just get my eating under control, the pounds will just fall off! :D
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I weigh myself on the first of each month. This month I lost 4 1/2 pounds. This represents my greatest montly loss! (My goal is 2 pounds a month) Once I lose 9 more pounds, I will have lost the 10% recommended by my doctor. :)D Thanking God for the strength!)
HI Elaray,

sounds like you are already on track. The way you have your exercising under control - very impressive and congrats to the 5 x per week.:)
Keep up the good work!
Try writing down what you eat. Once you see that log - who knows making the necessary changes might be easier than you think.
I am so happy for U Honey...U are doin great...motivating me..as I read Ur diary...Please keep us posted. U are doing this the right way..which is ( I think) the hardest way...but with greater benifit. Congrats sweetheart. :)
HI Elaray,

I simply have to attach my congratulations here as well. You're doing great:). Keep up the good work - and keep us motivated by posting your progress - please...

I am certain that you will be able to get your eating habits under control...you've accomplished everything else so far!!!
:) Thanks for the encouraging words! :)

This week, I packed a lunch rather than going out for sandwiches or fast food. (Saves me money, too!) for some reason, when I get home from work (about 3:15 - I work in a school) I'm FAMISHED I feel like I could eat anything that doesn't move! I had fruit in the house, but that didn't seem to satisfy me. I'm trying to follow Weight Watchers program without going to the meetings. I don't understand how I can be so good at exercising regularly and so bad and eating right :confused: ?
Try drinking some more water (if you don't already drink a lot). Drinking water all day can curve your hunger (and, go figure, it's really good for you). I always have a water bottle in front of me on my desk, so i never forget to drink.
HI Elaray,

don't be so hard on yourself, you will get the eating part under control as well.
How are you anyway? And how are your plans coming along. Packing a lunch is an excellent idea and I am with AlllCdnBoy on the suggestion with the water. Try to keep a full bottle at your desk, in your car and at home in the fridge (if you like it cold), you'll find yourself drinking automatically.
WAY TO GO !!!!!!!

Originally posted by Elaray
I did it! I completed my aerobic routine 5 times this week. I started out in July and I was working out on my elliptical every other day. Then I increased to 4 times a week. This week I did FIVE workouts. I admit, I had to push myself. But, I feel really good about reaching this particular goal. Now that I have this success to build on, I feel I can do 5 elliptical workouts every week. I'm also doing strength workouts with dumbbells 3 times a week. NOw, if I can just get my eating under control, the pounds will just fall off! :D

This is fantastic progress! Good for you. You haven't set unrealistic goals and you are moving steadily in the direction that you want.

As Lisa suggested, try writing down everything you eat, here in the Diary and maybe we can give you some appealing subtsitutes to help you move along even faster.

My boss at the fitness gym where I used to instruct had a fave saying: "Think thin" she said you have to visualize your self as you want to be, and don't believe evrything you see in the mirror.

Kudos to you for being persistant!




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how are you - keeping your 5 times per week on exercising? Did you try AllCdnBoy's suggestion with the water? Are you taking any snacks to work at all? Maybe you could get some of those snack bars or some fruit and just put them in your purse or car and then eat something on the way home. That way you won't get tempted by the fridge when you get there:D
I'm still exercising 5 times a week! If someone had told me 1 year ago that I'd be exercising 5 days a week I wouldn't have believed it. It really feels like a part of my everyday routine and I feel good about this accomplishment. But I'm still having trouble controlling my EATING . I've tried AllCdnBoy's suggestion and I drink water all day! Sometimes is works and sometimes it doesn't. I get so frustrated sometimes! :( I've been afraid to weigh myself. I try not to obsess over the numbers on the scale, but how else can I measure my progress!

Thanks to everyone for your support. It really helps.
Eating habits

Originally posted by Lisa

how are you - keeping your 5 times per week on exercising? Did you try AllCdnBoy's suggestion with the water? Are you taking any snacks to work at all? Maybe you could get some of those snack bars or some fruit and just put them in your purse or car and then eat something on the way home. That way you won't get tempted by the fridge when you get there:D

Eleray, you are way ahead just by having an exercise programand drinking lots of water.......now about the food.

Feeling hungry and deprived is BAD, and you won't lose any wieght like that.

Eat a good, high protein breakfast;

Example: Bacon and eggs, 1 slice wholewheat toast; or boiled eggs, 1 slice wholewheat toast, or a Rice Cake; Cottage cheese and fruit; or a nice bowl of thick soup and a slice of wholewheat toast. And several glasses of water.

Have a nice filling mid morning snack:
an apple and your choice of a protein bar for example and water

Salad and a sandwhich with a good thick filling of something like Pate, Ham, Cheese, Chicken, turkey or Peanut butter.

Mid afternoon snack:

Piece of fruit and a zonebar, or a boiled egg and lettuce, or some almonds and a zonebar and several glasses of water.

Salad or soup; fish or meat and vegetables. Several glasses of water,

Bed time snack.
Zone bar, small glass water (small for obvious reasons :)

ABOVE ALL; DO NOT STARVE. You must eat and eat the right food, that way you will not be hungry and you will lose.

If you think the food I outlined is more than you eat no,w and you'll gain weight, just remember that protein builds muscle not fat. Also by eating a set regime of the right food, your body will respond much better.




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until you can get into a diet plan that you AND your body are comfortable with (which takes time and experimenting), it's gonna take will-power over everything else. You have to really want it as your ARE going to be giving some things up that you really like.
AllCdnBoy is right

Originally posted by AllCdnBoy
until you can get into a diet plan that you AND your body are comfortable with (which takes time and experimenting), it's gonna take will-power over everything else. You have to really want it as your ARE going to be giving some things up that you really like.

It won't work unless you can find a diet/eating plan that works for you, and that means lots of trial and error. ( once went on that Grapefruit diet, worked like a dream but I didn't eat grape fruit for a very long while after that:eek:

However, while you are trying to find the right plan, lean on all the good diet aid stuff to help you make it through til that time comes.

Atkins has so many great items, and there are tons of low carb/high protein snack bars available......and you can always cheat (like me) and take one of those diet aid pills to help speed up your metabolism, ( ephedra free of course)and reduce cravings.:)

You should make that list up of all the stuff you like to eat and then we can suggest yummy substitutes.


Hi Elaray,

did you have a chance to try weezys suggestions? does it work? We all know that it is hard to make the necessary changes, but that's what we are all here for - to get the necessary support, motivation and the occasional 'slap on the wrist'. Who knows, there might be excellent substitutes for the foods you have to give up. For me a very interesting one was to switch from fruit-yoghurt to yoghurt with fruit and to replace the Granola with Almonds. Granted - it is not as sweet, but it tastes delicious and is so much healthier.
HI Elaray,

how is your weight loss coming along. I hope you didn't give up!! The suggestions from AllCdnBoy and Weezy are really great. Did you try and implement some of them. No-one said it would be easy, but we're here to help:)
I"m looking forward to hearing of your progress too. :) You're definitely an inspiration.