Eat Fat to Burn Fat

For about 50 years now, Americans have been eating low fat (some no fat) diets and the funny thing is we have gotten progressively fatter and less healthy. Who ever said low fat diets were healthy, and more importantly, why does eating less fat mean you’ll be less fat?

In attempt to keep this easy to understand, as most of what you read and hear is complicated, confusing, and contradictory, I’m going to be direct, to the point, and explain things in a way that most people can understand.

Where to start??? Well, I’ve done some research on this and have found very little science to back up the claims that eating less fat will keep you trim. I have also found many examples that totally dismiss this idea. For example, the French eat significantly more fat than we do here in the US while there obesity AND disease and illness rates are quite a bit lower.

Another example is the Alaskan Eskimos. They consume as much as 70% of their calories from fat (whale blubber and fish) and they have one of the lowest rates of heart disease in the world – until they come to the US and eat like us!

Before I cover other examples I’d like to talk about some the reasons why the “low fat diet” is not only making us fatter, but also killing people faster than you can imagine!

Does that shock you? If so, do I have news for you!

Ok… here are just a few reasons:

eating less fat means you have to eat more protein or carbs and most people end up eating more carbs (and the wrong type!)
Dietary fat is very slow burning in the body so when you replace the fat with faster burning carbs you tend to feel less energetic, risk burning muscle tissue, and wreak havoc on your metabolism and hormones because your energy levels (blood sugar) are like a roller coaster.

Dietary fats supply some of the best, and most stable sources of energy. So if you want to feel good all day long, you need to make sure you are getting enough fats, and the right types. I’ll touch on which types to avoid and which to include in your diet later in this article.

the human body needs fat just to function properly, let alone optimal health
Certain amounts of fat are necessary for proper hormone production. If hormone production is off so will your metabolism be. Hormones regulate many things in the body including your ability to build and maintain muscle tissue, which is responsible for a large portion of your energy expenditure. In simple terms, muscle burns calories 24 hours a day and if you eat a low fat or no fat diet you will have a hard time building and maintaining muscle.

Here are some facts:

obesity increased from 14% of the American population in 1960 to over 22% by 1980 the Harvard Nurse’s Health Study which ran well over 10 years found that not only did low fat diets not decrease the risk of heart disease but also that saturated fat wasn’t so bad after all, and that too little was just as harmful.

To read more of the facts about dietary fat and health check out these great resources:

So to sum things up…

If you want to lose weight and be healthy – DON’T eat a low-fat diet! You would have to be absolutely insane to after learning the truth about dietary fats. If you have doubts or questions please do some research and you will be amazed at what you will find out. In the meantime, go eat some healthy fats!

Jesse Cannone CFT, CPRS, CSPN
I'm not sure that I whole-heartedly agree. I suppose the concept is correct - the idea of weight loss. However, I strongly disagree that we, as Americans, need to be eating MORE FAT for our overall health.

There are some instances that desperate times call for desperate measures. You would classifty morbidly obese individuals here. People who have tried every diet, shake, fitness gizmo, and current fad to no avail (including gastric by-pass patients). Individuals who are in cardiorespiratory distress and face other serious health issues unless the weight comes off.

Amist the craze of the Adkins diet and perhaps all his "research", is still one highly reputable association - the American Heart Association. The lastest reseach I read is that a low-fat, high fiber diet rich in fruits and vegetables is STILL the best "diet" you can choose. The best for your HEALTH and your weight. As I mentioned before, sometimes for the obese people this may not work. However, I believe it is the high-fat diet - no exercise era that got us into this situation to begin with.

I think our society now has everything we've been waiting for... an excuse to eat tons of meat and other high in fat, low in nutrition foods - and they taste great. Who needs vitamins and minerals anyway??? Brusell sprouts taste like doo anyway. It's almost like the magic pill we've been searching for! Sounds like an informercial "lose weight, eat what you want, and don't exercise! " Sounds unbelievalbe? Probably is.

When will we stop tieing a number, such as our weight (in pounds), to our self-worth and start focusing on our well-being instead?
it's not that we need more or less fat, though some people could use more or less fat in their diets. It's the types of fat. Eskimoes eat fish and good fat so they are more healthy than a big mac eating french fry stuffing saturated fat loving american. it's much more about type and much less about quantity. People should be logical instead of gluttonous.
i think atkins is making a bit of a different point ... everyone sees it as eating more fat is the solution ... but that's not it. The point is to train our bodies to burn fat by removing any other energy source ... which is produced by carbohydrates. If you eat more fat, but keep the carbs the same, then the body is going to use the more readily available source, namely carbs, for energy and the fat is just going to be thrown into storage.
and Chris?

You never mentioned the "right types" in the post you made. Could you do so? Much appreciated.

"Dietary fats supply some of the best, and most stable sources of energy. So if you want to feel good all day long, you need to make sure you are getting enough fats, and the right types. I’ll touch on which types to avoid and which to include in your diet later in this article."

the reality is that most people eat like sh*t and dont exercise - people are lazier than ever. portions are bigger and junkfood and fast food are a huge part of many people's diets. that's why people are fatter than ever, has little to do with fat free foods.
Man. When I go grocery shopping for me and my wife - it cost twice as much to buy healthy foods as it does to just buy junk.
I gotta go with SHIMMERING's logic.

If I hear one more fat person say "I TRIED every diet in the world and exercise and still didn't lose weight . . ."

It's a lifestyle and American's in general eat a lot of junk and don't exercise any where near enough. It's way to easy to eat a high fat diet, so advise people to eat more fat is ridiculous.

Now if you are talking about anorexic's (low body fat % causing hormonal imbalances) well, duh!
What I was doing is just trying to avoid fast foods, junk food, sodas, etc. and eating milk, chicken, eggs, etc. and watching what I eat so I dont take in alot of calories and fat, and trying to get enough protein and vitamins... Does this sound good?
yeah, there is no mystery AT ALL to me about why so many americans are way overweight. the whole lifestyle and diet is geared towards getting fat - little to no exercise, huge portions, tons of fast food, desserts and convenience foods of every type, & living/working almost entirely indoors. you cant live that way and eat fat-free cookies and diet sodas once in awhile and expect to be in any kind of shape. everyone here who works at staying in shape knows this to be true - we all work at what we're doing. the old simple saying of "eat less, exercise more" has never been truer than today. :)
I dont believe in the eat less thing... I think just eat healthier, and not stuff yourself like a pig works better... And the workouts well they are essential to being in shape :)
there are cup holders in cars for god sakes, things are being built around food in america.