Sport E-Partner Lottery Draft Picks

Sport Fitness
Then I pick Tony
I'm gonna kick your arse into action and do some sandbag training

Thats what im talking about hanging around:D
Sorry, I was super busy. This week is my race week. I will be able to pick up on this Monday. Can someone recap me on who am I to pick?
Folks...I hate to do this but I'm going to have to bow out. My son just dropped a bomb on us...he's moving to Utah. We're going to be busy around here, getting his stuff together and moving him out there over the next few weeks. I'm going to do my best to stay focused and to not let myself slip, but I will be distracted and it wouldn't be fair to have a partner depending on me for motivation. During the move I'll be completely out of touch.

Utah is a long way from Ohio, and we're still getting used to the idea of him going.

I think this is a great idea, and I regret that I won't be taking part. Good luck to you all!!!
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cool wojo. that actually evens out the numbers again.

dallen you now are on the bottom of the drafter list. which isnt a big deal, just means you get last pick, unless someone else doesnt make their pick on time either.
Gymmike you're up. Here are the choices.

Draftee list:

Eric L
calcium (f)

You've got 12 hours left.
Ive sent gymmike an email. I hope he returns, I see he hasnt been on the site since july 9th.

If 11 1/2 hours from this post go by, the next person in line should automatically select. A drafter may want to check the user's profile to see when their last login was as well.
Oh my, after gymmike, I only have 1 in front of me... AND a (f) still on the board. I assume (f) stands for future girlfriend.
GYMMIKE IS OVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Calcium is all mine :jump1: (pending focus' choice...)

Hasn't it only been 13 hours? He's got until about 14:30 my time, which is when I will be getting back from teh gyms, running up teh stairs, jogging on the spot TWITCHING WITH ANTICIPATION AT THE IMMENSE PLEASURES I WILL DERIVE FROM TAKING HER JUST SO YOU CAN'T HAVE HER.
Nicole, I can't actually see you, but just imagining how nervous you are at the thought that I will pick you is extremely entertaining. :D
Good luck

Calcium's into horse riding, she'll have very high expectations

The routine I'm going to help her develope'll have her riding something else.:luxlove: (but hopefully her expectations aren't too high for that...)

At 7:15am Tony posted that GymMike had 4 hours. That time is up.
Hasn't it only been 13 hours? He's got until about 14:30 my time, which is when I will be getting back from teh gyms, running up teh stairs, jogging on the spot TWITCHING WITH ANTICIPATION AT THE IMMENSE PLEASURES I WILL DERIVE FROM TAKING HER JUST SO YOU CAN'T HAVE HER.

If you steal my future girlfriend I will seek you out and put poop under your car door handle.
At 7:15am Tony posted that GymMike had 4 hours. That time is up.

Oh, right. Not sure how I missed that. Mmmmkay, selection commencing.

Doot doot doot-doot-doot....