do u think i will have a quicker weightloss if i up my calorie intake

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New member
i had a baby 9 weeks ago nearly and im desperate to lose weight.

i eat around 1400 and do 2 hours on the stationary bike a day and 30 minutes hiit workout and 30 minutes weights.

do u think if i up my calorie intake to 1600 and only do one hour and a half of the stationary bike instead of the two hours aswell as doing the hiit workout and weights will make me lose weight quicker because right now im barely losing a pound a week.

im 4 foot 11 and 147 pounds and 24.
Personally, I think you're overdoing it on the exercise front, so I definitely think you should bring it down a notch or three...

But a more "technical" answer to your question would be...if you decrease the amount of exercise and up your calorie intake, there is absolutely no way you could lose weight faster (if everything else remains the same).
Hello :) I'm a personal trainer and Rok is right on-a little too much for a new mom and all that exercise.

I helped my sister get back to her pre-pregnancy weight and our basic routine was 2 strength sessions and 3 30-min walk/jog sessions a week with 2000 cals/day as she was breastfeeding.

Hope that helps!
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