Dislocated shoulder

subluxation or luxation.. treatment would probably be similar...

jen.. as for a nerve impingement.. i'd rather think there would be a nerve leason from stretching. or at least that would be the most likely of the to (impingement vs leason).

so karl.. where does this leave you... well first of all... rest! you need to give your shoulder proper rest.. if you dont take care of things you might end up with a frozen shoulder or some kind of inflamation problems etc etc.

you need to rest your shoulder. that meens you'd probably need a sling. although im not entirely sure.. check with your docter or physio to see if thats a good idea. after a week or so i'd start moving your arm more to keep the mobility intack (but move it in your pain limit range) dont go overdoing anything.. and i wont go play any sports if i were you.. any sudden movements may coz damage again.

what does a (sub)luxation mean... it means that your passive stability from now on is less then it used to be.. thus you have to strengthen your shoulder muscles to make the active mobility better. exercises for the rotator cuff muscles/biceps/pecs are good exercises to do to make them stronger.. but do this again in your pain range...

i'd start exercising when the worst pain is over.. but i'd still be careful. ill check and see if i can find some kind of protocol or something on this.
karl78 said:
Well at least I've seen a doc now and got xrays. Everythings where its supposed to be, he says its probably just strained at this point. Rest, ice, meds, check back in a week.

lol didnt read this until after i wrote my previous reply haha :p

rest = good
ice = good, but only if it starts hurting after movement or something
heat = i prefer you put heat on after the ice.. put heat on it as often as you can
meds = is ok but in moderation.