Diet start clense!!!!!!!!

autumn marie

New member
Hi guys I just startd my diet today .....this not really a diet program but its something to prep you before you staart or within the first 2 weeks during the diet ... it comes with two container of pills theirs container 1 which is the fat flush formula it contains 28 capsules in each bottle you that one in the morning and afternooon after each meal then we have container 2 which is colon cleanse formula you take this after dinner so yu take 3 pills total for 2 weeks I'm testing this product to see if it really work so I can give you guys a feedback on this product its runs 24 dollars at any drug store of sum sort
That sounds kinda sketchy...don't harm yourself with all those pill. Eating sesibly and moving more will do a better job than any short term fix.
Yeah, pills and cleanses and stuff are more likely than not pseudo-scientific and a waste of money/ time/ pain (and may have health consequences- a lot of this stuff isn't as regulated as you might think). You're better off getting a healthy diet and increasing your activity level. It's slower, but it works.