desperately blowing up

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hiya,im going through a really bad time at the moment,put 4 stone on sinse xmas due to medication,feel like crap and find it hard to walk due to the weight gain killing my back,docs put me in for a gastric band,dont know how long ill hav to wait but i feel really down,ive always been around 16 stone but now at 20st5lb my health is suffering,is there anyone who could tell me how long they had to wait for a band,pls if anyone has had one on the nhs,from start to finish,id apreciate it thanks

Sorry I can't help you with the time scale and info but its worth looking further on in the forum threads as there are a few gastric band threads going which could help you.

For the timescale, I'd ask your GP, its a postcode lottery when it comes to treatments, some are just not available and others are highly subscribed, some have limits as to how long they are allowed to leave you waiting (they try to meet goals) and sometimes, if your doctor knows your really holding out for something they can even refer you to another hospital who may do the treatment faster.

An example is with a muscle injury I had. I had to wait 6 weeks to see a physio for help and when I did was able to see him every other week 'till the problem was gone- we never did resolve the problem or what it was (I later did my own research and found out it was posterior tibial tendonitus) but its safe to say although it was painful, it was not deadly serious and didn't even have a diagnosis.
My mum on the other hand had a well know foot injury which is well known to be very irritating. (Plantus Fascill....-can't remember the exact name!) her hospital and borough, literally a 20 min walk from my home had her wait 5 months for a physiotherapy appointment and then offered her a follow up session about 4-6 weeks after each session.

It just depends where you live and what funding is available but its worth asking.
Hiya Juleslee

I was down to have a gastric band on NHS and all in all it would have taken around 18 months,
Firstly i was referred to a bariatric specialist and him and his team held a seminar, basically to explain about all the procedures they offer, if this doenst put you off, they then call you back for your first appointment, around 4-6 months later, at this appointment your asked a series of questions relating to your health, sleep, diet etc, if they are happy to proceed then your seen at the same appointment by a dietician, my dietician gave me a goal of to lose 2kilos for my next appointment....I know it sound daft, as your there because your struggling to lose weight, they want to see you helping yourself at trying to lose the weight,

I struggle to lose weight because of a medical condition, but I had two appointments where i lost more than the little goal they set, by counting calories. I was then referred to see a diet psychologist who specialises in finding out the reasons why your overweight and the relationship you have with food, not sure if this will work for you as you put it on through medication.

The psychologist asked if i would try the gastric balloon to see if i could lose weight with that initially before going under the knife and having the lapband fitted, so i agreed, now thats the stage i am at, we were initially told upto 18 months, but because there is more and more going in for bypass/lapband surgeries, the wait could take up to 24 months, but your not left, they frequently give you appointments to keep a check on you.

I hope that helps.

Sorry I can't help you with the time scale and info but its worth looking further on in the forum threads as there are a few gastric band threads going which could help you.

For the timescale, I'd ask your GP, its a postcode lottery when it comes to treatments, some are just not available and others are highly subscribed, some have limits as to how long they are allowed to leave you waiting (they try to meet goals) and sometimes, if your doctor knows your really holding out for something they can even refer you to another hospital who may do the treatment faster.

An example is with a muscle injury I had. I had to wait 6 weeks to see a physio for help and when I did was able to see him every other week 'till the problem was gone- we never did resolve the problem or what it was (I later did my own research and found out it was posterior tibial tendonitus) but its safe to say although it was painful, it was not deadly serious and didn't even have a diagnosis.
My mum on the other hand had a well know foot injury which is well known to be very irritating. (Plantus Fascill....-can't remember the exact name!) her hospital and borough, literally a 20 min walk from my home had her wait 5 months for a physiotherapy appointment and then offered her a follow up session about 4-6 weeks after each session.

It just depends where you live and what funding is available but its worth asking.

I do believe all counties are different, i suffered plantier fascitites and when i rang my doc, they referred to the physiotherapist that work at the surgery, i was seen and treated every week from the next day. Also when you receive your letter to choose and book you choose which hospital you wish to be seen, there may only be one hospital in the area that specialises in bariatic surgeries, luckily for me, the hospital was only a 20 min drive, so not far. But there were patients that came from over 20 - 30 miles. I just guess it depends on where you live.
I do believe all counties are different, i suffered plantier fascitites and when i rang my doc, they referred to the physiotherapist that work at the surgery, i was seen and treated every week from the next day. Also when you receive your letter to choose and book you choose which hospital you wish to be seen, there may only be one hospital in the area that specialises in bariatic surgeries, luckily for me, the hospital was only a 20 min drive, so not far. But there were patients that came from over 20 - 30 miles. I just guess it depends on where you live.

And guess it also depends on how far you are able to travel- 20-30 miles! Thats going some!

I was asked to chose between two hospitals but couldn't compare waiting list times, would only be able to get a new appointment if I cancelled the first and whilst it seemed the sensible thing to do would be to book one, find out the waiting list time, then cancel, call the second to book (so as to find out the waiting list time) before comparing (they would not let me know the waiting list time without booking first for some reason), it was just such a mess trying to book, the lady seemed to be translating my details into several languages -at least thats what it felt like as she was VERY slow- I actually took 30 mins just giving her my details..

Anyway, moan over!! I tend to stick to researching myself now as the phone calls and lack of good customer service really just made it feel like too much hard work. I've had posterior tendonitus and a sprained ankle and dealt with it myself in the end.
thank you everyone thats a great help,im in manchester,england and was revered by my phycaitrist,sos for spelling lool,my doctor has also revered me,i hav to stay on lithium for the rest of my life but with it comes weight gain.he thinks a gastric band would help me,well i do hope i dont hav to waight that long,find it hard to get around now,dont know about the rest of you but its very lonely world when your carrying weight,havent got the condfidence to go out anymore.thanks everyone
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