Dead Bug With the Foam Roller


New member
AMy secret is never give up, even when you reallyreally want to. It doesn't matter if you've done bad for a week or so. It doesn't matter if your at a plateau, all that matters is that you DON'T GIVE UP! Even a small effort will pay off in the long run.

I've been at it for 3 and a bit months and lost 24lbs. In another 3 months (of not giving up!) I will be at my goal weight :)
AI just came back and read this thread (one month later, 7 pounds lighter), and it has saddened me a bit.

1. Extra money will not give you the fast fix to lose weight. Well, unless you are super rich, and can hire a personal chef, personal trainer, and nazi dictator to be at your disposal. It doesn't matter how much or how little money you have, you can always lose weight.

2. Yep, every pound of inactive muscle burns an extra 50 calories a day. The trouble is that muscles only grow fast when you have a surplus of calories. The most muscle an average woman can put on in a month of training is 1.5 pounds. All the squats in the world will not help you if you are doing diddly squat to change your diet.

3. Supplements and prescribed weight loss aids. Maybe the properly tested ones could help a teensy bit. They are expensive though, and you would probably be better of going to the supermarket and spending all that money on a trolley full of healthy food. You still have to change your diet for supplements to work.

4. Kidneys do all the detoxification your body needs.

I know it is depressing being overweight, and we get angry with ourselves, and that anger triggers a wave of self hatred we think can only be cured by going on crash diets. I got like that, Some of my previous diets I ate nothing but stir fry veg for two days straight. I made myself miserable. I know it sucks, but it took a lot of time, and a lot of extra food to get overweight in the first place, so it will take a lot of time, and a lot less food to lose it.

Fast solutions are not actually solutions. If there was a single easy way of losing the extra weight there would be no overweight people any more.

So I'm sticking to my stick-with-it advice, again. Every single person has got the power inside of them to make themselves skinny. Weight can be changed. Its not impossible. Every single obese person can be slim in the future. You just have to keep trying, if you don't want to be the weight you are now for the rest of your life. I don't believe anyone is happy being overweight, puffing like a steam engine walking up a flight of stairs, dripping with sweat in hot weather, wearing big baggy clothes in the hope that no one will guess what is lurking beneath them.

You can change it by yourself, with nothing more and nothing less than eating well.
I was in to same position. I had 10 kg's to lose after having my big baby boy (he was 11lb 5oz) I went on a few programs that involved calorie counting, low fat food and copious amounts of exercise. You know what I ended up doing? Cut sugar out and increased my saturated fat. By sugar I mean fructose. I only eat no more than 2 pieces of fruit a day. I lost it all and feel amazing within myself. No more fog in my brain! I also don't exercise as much as I was. I still exercise as I was diagnosed with post natal depression, just not as crazy!