Dance Dance Revolution?

Ok, well there was this news article last night that this kid bought Dance Dance Revolution for XboX 360 and he lost 70 Lbs in one year with just eating right and play video games for an hour a day, go figure.
ja i was working with some fat kid in construction, he lost 40 kg in 6 months i think it was by just working... you will get a long way with just moving your body!!
You could spin around in a circle for an hour a day, and eat right to lose weight.

I don't think DDR will be installed in gyms anytime soon. :D
The spinning for an hour wouldn't be a funny sight. It'd be when they stopped and tried walking in a straight line!
At my son's middle school, they do something called C'Motion - which is a version of the DDR. They had to pay extra for it, and will do it as part of PE. They have not started yet, but will be interesting to see how it works.
yes! DDR is awesome.

i have a dope mario bros version that is basically mario dancing and almost all the songs are remixes from different versions of the games so it's a total nostalgia trip and insanely cute. however, it's also freakin' hard. there are even minigames where you run to jump the flagpole, step on goombas and jump to break bricks. i'm totally drenched in sweat by the end.

AND, it has a calorie counter so when i don't want to do my regular workout, it's a fun alternative (at least it become fun after i got over the slight embarrassment! hehe)

i totally recommend DDR.

also, wii boxing will work up a sweat. can't wait for the real boxing game to come out :)
I plan on getting DDR for my daughter for x-mas so I can use it too. Is that so wrong?