Crohns disease

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New member
Hi everyone,

I have crohns disease which I have had since 2002. Also I have been told by my GP that I am prediabetic and I need to lose weight otherwise I am going to have to go on medication to control it.

I have seen quite a few posts from others with pre diabetes and diabetes type 2 but just wondering if anyone else in here has crohns?

Cheers :)

Just want to share with you that my family had thought our dad had Chron's too but was later on found out he had ulcerative colitis, as UC has more or less same signs and symptoms seen but less severe. Have you consulted a second opinion on your condition?
If it is Crohn's disease with out a doubt ( and it sounds like you're pretty certain) I have heard that Vegan diets do a really good job of sorting that all out. My friend has crohn's and for the last 2 years has found that on months when she is stricked with her vegan diet (100% no critter or critter byproducts) she has less symptoms. You might consider looking at your diet and ingredients very carefully and trying a vegan diet for a while.
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