Consistency. It's not a pizza topping.


What's metabolic drive and ZMA consist of?

I bet it feels great to be back in the gym...! I have been putting in a lot of thought about your suggestion of switching to a full body routine by the way... I never considered myself a beginner but I suppose perhaps I should... even though i've been training for like 8 years.. ha. Might try the 5X5 routine or some other old proven routine.

I am just concerned about the progressive loading, it seems like it would be a step backwards in terms of that, because my current routine is like twice as much.
What's metabolic drive and ZMA consist of?

Metabolic Drive is just Biotest's brand of low-carb protein powder (2g carb per 1 20g serving of protein). I ordered a tub of the Orange flavor out of curiosity so I'm using it up. Tastes awful to me, but I'm super picky about what I'll eat, for a fat kid. :p

ZMA is just the name for a zinc and magnesium supplement. Just wanted to see what it would do for the quality of my sleep, really. So far, so good.

I bet it feels great to be back in the gym...!

Sure does. If by "great" you mean "like getting run over repeatedly by a city bus." Hahaha. Hopefully, I'll have more energy for the next workout. If not, I'll have to switch to a strength phase. That's on the schedule, anyway, as I'm lifting for muscle preservation.

I have been putting in a lot of thought about your suggestion of switching to a full body routine by the way... I never considered myself a beginner but I suppose perhaps I should... even though i've been training for like 8 years.. ha. Might try the 5X5 routine or some other old proven routine.

I really would try it for a while and see what happens. I suggested something like my routine because it's got all the basic lifts, really, except for lunges, which I think are highly overrated. Also, they make me feel like I'm going to die where I stand if I do them in the same workout with deadlifts, deadlift variations and squats, so I'm sort of afraid of them. :p Maybe add in something like chins, pull-ups or lat pulldowns if you want.

Anyway, my reasoning is this: either a) trying total body and lower volume for a while works for you, or b) it doesn't. You already know what you're doing now works for your upper body, so you can always come back to it. If strengthening your lower body is your aim, then your goal should be to find something that is conducive to that, right? Honestly your upper body lifts seem like they're already doing pretty damn fine to me. Well ahead of the game, even. I think if you did my routine with the right weight (not as high rep as I do, though, although that might be an idea to start, just for the "hey this isn't what we usually do" reaction you want from your body") you might see some gains. Should this not be the case, well, what's the worst thing that can happen? You "lose" 3 weeks to reaffirm your knowledge. Big deal. :)

I am just concerned about the progressive loading, it seems like it would be a step backwards in terms of that, because my current routine is like twice as much.

Yeah, but that's a very simplistic view. Plateau busting is all about change. Reps, sets, weight, tempo, exercises, whatever needs it. And, as I said, just because you're doing twice as many exercises doesn't mean you're working twice as hard. It can even mean you're working half as hard, for twice as long, which most people would agree isn't very beneficial if you're looking to increase muscular strength (rather than endurance). You may find that on something like a 5x5 program with less fluff (6-8 total exercises), you'll be working much harder and seeing better gains. The only way to find out is to try.
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210.2 lbs, 69.5F

Hunh. I seem to have missed my cardio yesterday. But on the other hand, I underate by almost a thousand calories. I guess it evens out, roughly. I"m not gonna make up for it like last time. Just gonna carry on.

Weight's started going back up again. We'll see what the measurements have to say tomorrow.
Wow. Today's been a super low-energy day. I didn't want to do anything. Couldn't even be bothered to eat. Kinda early for me to be in the danger zone... but I think it has more to do with being bored in general.

Kinda came out of nowhere, too. I was perky yesterday. Gonna see if I can't shake it off with a little force-feeding and some excitement.
I basically ate carbs today. Some ziti, left over birthday cake, a few crepes, etc.

Felt lazy as well, guess thats what two days off in a row will do to ya.
Felt lazy as well, guess thats what two days off in a row will do to ya.

Haha, yeah, I suppose. Or in my case, one. Unless you mean from work... Yeah, it could just be Monday.

Anyway, I feel much better after having eaten some food. Gonna work out in a little while, and things should be all back to normal.

Quite excited to hit the weights tomorrow, as usual. I'm very interested to see whether my stamina will come back over the course of the next few sessions (as keto induction becomes full-blown keto), or what's going on in general. I actually feel sore today, I've noticed. Weird.
I think it's all in the mind brotha, but that's just me. Maybe you are just discouraged that your weight went up and that affected everything?

Who knows, maybe I just love keto so much that I never notice any of the "side effects" :cool:

Guess what?! I bought "Starting Strength" by Rippetoe, heard of it? It's a beginner weight lifting book that teaches the perfect form for the major barbell lifts, I am going to do the full body routine that the book describes, I have only heard good things about it from people who have used it... your talks really got me thinking on it, so thanks!

210.6, 97.3F

Took another day off cardio yesterday - partly because I wanted to see what it would do for my endurance with the weights today and partly out of simple laziness/tiredness. The pace at which I do it is aerobic and shouldn't be touching my glycogen stores, but I just wanted to check. I'm not gonna make up for it, either. Just gonna carry on with my thing now. I feel nice and refreshed. I don't think I should have done so much cycling on my "week off".

And no, rws, it doesn't have much to do with the weight, though it is somewhat discouraging. (I've decided to accept the fact that I'm either a mutant - or simply not going to lose weight until I break through some sort of invisible hard work forcefield). I'm tired of my own complaining about it; I've decided to ignore it as long as the inches continue to go down. I think it actually has more to do with overdoing it on the cardio a little, and just the fact that I'm creeping into my "danger zone", where it's been about 4 weeks and the habits will stick in a week or two, but my willpower's starting to run low.

Yeah, I know Starting Strength. But don't thank me until it works. ;)
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Haha. I'm dumb. Typed in the emoticon stuff like it was gonna show up in a screenshot of an html preview. :D

Edit: 90 mins stationary cycling, 30.6 miles, 1268 calories
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Contest Measurements

Hmm. Went from a 1.75 inch loss to a 1.25 inch loss. There was a bit of skewing though (because I measured for last week on Feb 13). I'm not sure if that represents a slowdown on 1000-1500 more calories per day this past week. Interesting. Gonna keep it in the 2500-3000 range for a while longer. Closer to 2500 most days. If the slowdown persists, I'll drop.
A little experiment...

So I've an idea. I'm gonna leave my calories at about 2000-2500 per day (aiming for 2500 as I said, but I'm noticing 2500-3000'ish makes me feel pretty gross) but aim for a minimum 3 hours of NEPA (as opposed to my average 0.25) in addition to my cardio for the next week and see what happens. This might mean: hopping on the bike at a 30-35% pace while I read; skiing (this weekend); hiking; dancing ; "dancing" ;). Y'know, the stuff old people count as exercise and I tend to ignore(/not do at all) but actually makes up a good chunk of my daily energy expenditure. I won't be reporting it here but I will keep track of what and how much.

I don't know why it didn't occur to me before, but the main difference between what I'm doing now and what has worked for me in the past (other than weight training), was my level of NEPA. At the time I had school stuff and gym class and whatnot to do and went for a walk most days and things like that. These days I pretty much just work (super inactive desk job) and study. I guess I could start going for walks again as well. I tend to avoid that sort of activity, though, as I live in the sleaze capital of my city. Degenerates, everywhere. :p

Oh, and for probably the 20th time in my life, I've had it with trying to grow out my damn hair. It's just too thick. IT ONLY GROWS OUT, NEVER DOWN. :mad: My friend showed me this picture she had of us from when we were about 8 and she was right... I... had a fro. :bncry: A big ass fro. Eff this noise I'm shaving it off. The ladies prefer it short anyway. (That's why she showed me - I swear there's some sort of conspiracy against my having hair). Only thing is I look about 12 without excessive amounts of hair. Yeay for not having to do any of that hair-related metro nonsense I get up to though. This is relevant because, um, squatting will be half a lb easier? Yeah. :D
did you have a late night snack and that's why your weight fluctuated so much? That happens to me.. heh.

How much does your weight fluctuate throughout the day by the way? Mine is 5 pounds, 165-170.

What is NEPA by the way? It seemed as though it was some walking or something.. but if it was walking why wouldn't you call it NEPA? :yelrotflmao: ha, so I will just let you tell me instead of trying to figure it out myself. I did a google search and it's National Environmental Policy Act, so that can't be it :p

I know all about growing out hair.. it's not worth it. The first year is where you have to just stick with the ****ty length, maybe even the first two years, but after that at least it'll start to look OK.
did you have a late night snack and that's why your weight fluctuated so much? That happens to me.. heh.

How much does your weight fluctuate throughout the day by the way? Mine is 5 pounds, 165-170.

Yep. I couldn't resist a little more calabrese later in the day. Might've been all the sodium, also, who knows. Yeah, my weight will fluctuate as much as 15 lbs in a day at times.

What is NEPA by the way? It seemed as though it was some walking or something.. but if it was walking why wouldn't you call it NEPA? :yelrotflmao: ha, so I will just let you tell me instead of trying to figure it out myself. I did a google search and it's National Environmental Policy Act, so that can't be it :p

Haha. I got North Eastern Pennsylvania something or other. It's just an acronym for non-exercise physical activity. I use to think it meant non exerting physical activity (because my brain is wired funny). XD Basically anything that isn't what I usually do - sitting around reading/typing, but doesn't count as exercise.

I know all about growing out hair.. it's not worth it. The first year is where you have to just stick with the ****ty length, maybe even the first two years, but after that at least it'll start to look OK.

Yeah, and I don't have the patience for that ****. If I did, though, I would have beautiful Jungle Book hair... that I'd get sick of way way before it ever got that long, haha. :p

I definitely need to just finally realize that the only way I'm gonna grow my hair out is with extensions (artificially). I think I'm mostly there. **** it. A shaved head is so much lower maintenance anyway and 19/20 women (I took a poll once lol, it's a long story) agree it looks better!

Also, I really am going to get back to you on the pwo carb thing in your post, just so you know. I've just been kinda busy and too fried to want to do any nonessential math. I gotta figure it out anyway, so probably tonight after I get home and relax and whatnot. I'll see if I can make a little excel calculator that'll spit out how much carb you need based on muscle group size, sets, reps, your muscular weight, etc. That'd be fun to play with, right? [/nerd] :D

180 mins stationary cycling, 50.6 miles, 2040 calories

I know I said I wouldn't make up the skipped cardio, but I was experimenting with an even slower pace (35% of max HR for me - 105 bpm), and well, I was watching Braveheart. I couldn't help it, really. Okay, that's not true. I tried hard at it, but I feel great. I really enjoy being active.

Also I ate at 2000 calories today. I don't like eating much more than that on non-training days, honestly, it makes me feel gross. Also, and this may be TMI, but my body seems to have adjusted to hardly getting any fiber, though I do have some flax seeds I keep meaning to coarse grind and eat.

I can't wait to try running fairly soon here. I suspect I'll like it a lot. I used to play 3 or 4 sports every season when I was a kid and soccer+rugby were always my favorites because there was plenty of opportunity to rush from place to place and take someone out. Hockey was fun, too, but at that age it was more of a bloody dance recital than anything else.
Sometimes I wanna cut off all my hair, but how would people spot me from far away without my tangly mane?

Your bushy tail? :p I'm kinda regretting it already. I just... I dunno. I like having my thick, shiny... yeah, mane is a good word. Also people keep petting my head and then recommending to others that they too should pet on me. I am not a puppy, damnit. Anyway girls are supposed to have long hair, it's purdy.

212.8 lbs, 97.7F this morning. Just carry on doing your random thing, there, weight. Obnoxious ass scale. Givin' me grief and whatnot like I ain't tryin.

I feel real strong and full of energy. Gonna have a good workout, I can tell.
It gets in the way when I'm sleeping or performing various sexual activities.

I'm not sure what possessed me to type that, but now that it's there, it's stayin.
It gets in the way when I'm sleeping or performing various sexual activities.

I'm not sure what possessed me to type that, but now that it's there, it's stayin.

Various. :D