College Student

I am a college junior determined to lose the freshman 15+ that I put on. I have started exercising again, but need some help with my diet. I am very, very busy, and very, very poor (as all college kids are). I know there are great recipes out there, but the only ones I find are really fancy, have lots of different (expensive) ingredients. I need some that have similar (cheap) ingredients that I can use for more than one recipe at a time and that are really quick.

Well oatmeal and brown rice are ideal complex carbs...and also rather inexpensive.
The key to eating 'right' is to form a routine and stick with it, and only vary seasonings and certain ingredients to keep things fresh.
For example, assuming you eat 5-6 meals a day:
meal 1: egg whites and a serving of oatmeal. optional piece of fruit
meal 2: protein shake and fruit
meal 3: brown rice, veggies, chicken breast (turkey breast, or tuna)
meal 4: protein shake or MRP
meal 5: brown rice, veggies, chicken/turkey/fish/lean red meat
meal 6: cottage cheese with fiber one tossed in.

That's just a really loose example of what I might eat if i was trying to lean out. Not too heavy on the carbs, good protein levels. Add extra fruit and veggies if desired.
By doing this, you can make a pot of rice that lasts the whole week, and cook several chicken breasts at once, seasoning each a different way.

You don't need to be fancy in your cooking, and in fact getting too fancy makes it a pain to cook and adds to the cost of each meal.
Thanks for the advice! I am in the exact same situation (being a college junior) except I'm aiming more towards only losing about 5 lbs and replacing it with muscle (so in totale I'd be gaining weight ideally).

I'm such a dummy when it comes to constructing a proper diet to achieve this goal. Haha, I'd need someone to do it for me. Any good websites out there? What are some of your diets?
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this is mine right now. i'm coming off a cut cycle so the carbs are low. will be changing this soon

homemade pancake (oats, eggs, splenda, cinammon)

cottage cheese

chicken or round steak

milk/egg protein shake with olive oil added

fish or turkey
sweet potato or brown rice

cottage cheese
natty pb