chat schedule

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of course the chat room is always open but for those of you interested in scheduled chat times the schedule is as follows:

Daily @11am eastern standard time
Daily @6pm eastern standard time

these times are subject to modifications/additions at any time so please be sure and check the sticky for any changes! enjoy. :)
Helpful Tip: EST is GMT-8. This site has a nifty time zone converter if you have trouble with time zones or are really far away from the US!

The Chat button at the top. I chill in there sometime... hoping for a friend :(
hehehe just kidding I talk to myself.
no you probably didn't - it always says that someone is in the chat room even if they left a long time ago... then it signs them out when another person enters
Oh I'm glad you cleared that up elizab3th..I thought it was just my bad body odor after my work out....LMAO.:D
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