Carol's Diary

My name is Carol, I'm 5'2 and 168lbs. (I just weighed myself today, and apparently I'm 168.2. Woo hoo!)
I started gaining weight little by little for 4 years, and I just kept on telling myself that I was just getting chubby, a little meat won't hurt, but now my BMI is over 30, and it hit me that I am overweight, as they would say "obese" and I hated that word, so in the new year, I decided I would do something about it. So hear I am. I lost 2 lbs. haha, it seems like nothing, but is something to start with.
So hopefully this is a daily diary. I'm not sure if it will be, because school and stuff, so I'll write in it as much as I can. :p
9:30- Got out of bed. Tired step on the scale.. it read 168.2 (yay still losing). Shower, brush teeth, etc. Go downstairs to eat some special k Red Berries with 1% milk (can't stand skimmed milk)
10:00- go on computer. check out weight loss forum

thats it so far.. actually i'm getting something to eat right now
You can do it. we all can! Actually, the special k with red berries is what i eat too. yummy! :p I do use skim milk and am getting used to it. just wanted to drop in and give you a little encouragement. GO! GO! YOU CAN DO IT! :D

Wow.. I haven't updated this in a while.

So the other night, there was another house party. My friend likes to bring lots of party food and It wasn't good. I limited myself to 2 drinks, and a diet coke, and lots of water. But there was so much food I had to eat. She ordered a TON of pizza and had a TON of chips. I ate a lot.

After the party died down, and a ton of people left, a few of our friends stayed over, and I fell asleep watching the Grudge at 4 in the morning. Then I got flund off hte cound and hit my head on the wall leaving a small dent.. but its not that noticable. But my head still hurts. :(

Now I'm home and I stepped on the scale, and to my amazment I lost another pound! hurray! :D
Hello,you absolutely can do it!No doubt,just have to set your mind on hard work.For me,personaly,it is everyday battle.It is not going to be easy,but you can do it once you put your mind into it.We are here ofr you and congratulations on unexpected pound lost!Grudge?I was so scared to watch it alone had to call my friend to come over.:))))))
YEAH another bites the dust woooo-hooo