Weight-Loss Carb Pairing? Anyone?



New member
Why are all the recommendations online all over the place? I can't find any consistency from post to post. I'm a 49 yr old mother of 3 (who feels 29 but certainly doesn't look it!). A friend recommended carb pairing??? I dunno. That's a new one for me. She sent me to Spam Link Removed which, I’ve never heard of. I'll check it out and see since she referred them and had success, but was hoping to hear from some others. Anyone got suggestions?
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Carb pairing is a type of food combining diet.

Food combining refers to a way of eating in which certain types of foods are not eaten together. Proponents of food-combining diets believe improper combinations lead to disease and digestive distress.

So far, only one study has examined the principles of food combining. It tested whether a diet based on food combining had an effect on weight loss.

there is no evidence to support most of the supposedly scientific principles of food combining.

Similar weight loss with low-energy food combining or balanced diets. - PubMed - NCBI

Many of the original food-combining diets were developed more than 100 years ago, when much less was known about human nutrition and digestion.

But what is now known about basic biochemistry and nutritional science directly contradicts most of the principles of food combining.

The principles of food combining diets are not backed by science, but that doesn't mean that the way you combine foods is always irrelevant. Vit C improves the absorption of non-heme iron (Iron from plant sources) for example.

Why are all the recommendations online all over the place?

On the internet recommendations are all over the place for a few reason, many people online are out there to make money, sensationalised claims sell. Old out of date information that has become "fact" despite being unproven all along, of there being recent science to disprove the claims.