can't lose the weight

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My son is a year and a half and I am a stay at home mom.I don't over eat, but im not very active other than the typical cleaning house and taking care of a toddler. I know i don't drink as much water as I should.I am now 50 pounds overweight and do not like the way I look. my weight will not stay the same it is constantly yo-yoing losing 5 pounds in a week just to gain it right back. I have recently in the last month decided to cut out fast food and soda it has made no difference. I also have started drinking green tea. Spring is here and I can bet on more walking and activity with my son outside.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to kick this mommy weight?
How have things been going recently?

I'm a personal trainer and happy to share some insights :)
hi mommy wade, I'm the same with my step kids. I'm doing this thing that keeps me toned ad healthy. I can give you a few tips if you'd like
Hi Mommy Wade, Yoga is helpful to loose wait very fast. There are many video and yoga exercise are available on the internet. That's helpful for your fitness.

Before doing this, please advice with expert
I agree weight loss pills are not the answer. Try and concentrate on changing one thing at a time and nailing it. Like really having more vegetables and fruit everyday, find tasty, low fat recipes you like and cut down on the red meat. Smoothies are an excellent way to fill up and get lots of the nutrients that you and your child would benefit by. You must your child into this while they are young. Cook more from fresh, salads are great, there's lots of healthy alternatives. I love almond or coconut milk now instead of cows milk, as long as your not allergic to nuts. But lifestyle change is definitely the answer. Then up your exercise, find something you like, get a dog their great, lots of walks. Bye for now!!
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