Can't loose weight!!

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I had a little girl 12 weeks ago and I just can't seem to loose any weight! IV put more on since being pregnant, I have been drinking slim fast shakes and taking rasberry ketone tablets? Could anyone help or have any ideas? Thanks x
What have you been eating? If you truly want to lose the weight you got to exercise and eat healthy. Try to aim to lose about 5 lbs a month, losing too much too fast is dangerous. So losing that weight slowly is definitely a good thing. How much weight to you have to lose? And Slim Fast shakes are good to replace a meal, but just make sure not to drink too much, lol. :p
If you are breast feeding it would probably be wise to discuss your weight loss plans with your doctor or health visitor - because your little girl will be looking to you to get her nourishment. This would certainly affect what a healthy calorie level would be and be a guideline for general nutrition.

You might find this article interesting:
I agree with the opinion of not worrying about it until you are done breast feeding, as breast feeding helps the body recover as well as is the best nutrition for your child. Once you are done with that, then get on a clean eating program. Dump the slim-fast shakes immediately. They are FULL of sugar. They are all marketing and no help, IMHO. I started a clean eating lifestyle back in January, and I am down 18 pounds since then, and feel fantastic. It's quite amazing how much better you feel when the stuff you are putting into your body is good. There is a lot of info on the net about clean eating. Ours (my wife and mine) is very similar to a paleo style diet.
Sports The most important thing after pregnancy, because the effects remain after birth.
Use sport and a healthy diet and a balanced is good for you, working more on abdominal exercises are good for womens after pregnancy.
THere is a great way to lose the baby weight and also give you something to do while you're at home. Meal replacements are a good way to lose weigth but they need to be the right kind. There is an awesome one that I am currently using and while I'm not a new mom (mine is 5 now). I have been on a serious weight loss journey and have done quite a bit to lose 150lbs. this is the best prgram ive been with
THere is a great way to lose the baby weight and also give you something to do while you're at home. Meal replacements are a good way to lose weigth but they need to be the right kind. There is an awesome one that I am currently using and while I'm not a new mom (mine is 5 now). I have been on a serious weight loss journey and have done quite a bit to lose 150lbs. this is the best prgram ive been with

Most people find that meal replacements don't work too well in the long term. They certainly do nothing to teach us new healthy eating habits - they do nothing for teaching us how much protein, fibre, calcium etc we need or about portion control. They just teach us how to get into the "make a shake company rich by paying them lots of money while we lose weight - then gain it again" loop.
What I do a lot is eat something I don't particularly like for example wheat biscuits or rice cakes and fill myself up. I only have one or two meals I really look forward to in a day and those are also small portions. But I wouldn't recommend doing this as you are breastfeeding and you and your baby need nutrition and vitamins.
After you stop breastfeeding then turn the eating and exercises up a notch or two and that should help x
You can't loose weight if you only drink slim fast shakes and any slimming pills without any exercise! Do some light exercise everyday to see results :hurray:

Complete nonsense. Exercise is not necessary for weight loss. It might be healthy and speed up weight loss a little, but it is not *needed*. Please stop spreading false information.
It's very nice that you are concerned about your weight now but losing too much too fast at this stage is dangerous, you and your baby you both need nutrition this time.As you are breastfeeding and After you stop breastfeeding then turn the eating and exercises up a that can help you. Right now you should eat healthy food.
Just continue on breastfeeding and eat nutritious food and drink lots of water for this will help you lose weight little by little.
I didn't even know that Slim Fast was even around anymore, I tried it a long time ago and for me it didn't do very much. I'd rather eat real food/meals and drink lots of water but that's just in my opinion, wasn't my desire to stick with just Slim Fast drinks and snacks. Also even if you do lose weight while using this once you are off if you will most likely gain everything back since you'll be eating real foods again unless you planned on just using this stuff for the rest of your life which wouldn't be recommended.
I can relate I gained 60 lbs with my baby and went a year without losing anything. I tried Zumba and ended up even heavier arggg. Just remember tons on ppl even famous ppl w chefs and fitness coaches have trouble losing weight after a baby. Now I'm pregneant again and trying to plan to get back in shape after the baby. Eating healthy has gotten harder for me during my first pregnancy I just let go and got used to eating badly. I just figured I would loose the weight from breast feeding, but I was so hungry during breast feeding I didn't lose anything! Slim fast never worked too good for me I just want a meal in addition to it.

I've read for the most part your body will make the perfect milk for the baby from your fat reserves ect, but you don't want to starve yourself. I don't have the answer all I know is it is hard. I try to focus on being proud I have a healthy baby, but I get depressed being overweight.
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