Can I go on bodybuilding without burning fat when I'm overweight with high-fat ratio?


New member
Hi, I've been doing bodybuilding for two months. I have excessive sagging in my abdomen due to sudden weight loss. My bodyweight is very high above normal I'm someone. However, I want to do bodybuilding. I am fully motivated by power; I don't care about the image because already I'm obese for years.

I'm 1.78 m tall, I weigh 115 kg (253 pounds). I've been doing bodybuilding 3 days a week for 2 months. I follow a full-body program and work out with a 24-hour rest period 3 days a week. Daily protein, carbohydrate, and fat: intake of 200 g protein, 150 g carbohydrate and 25 g fat I'm being fed. I have a regular feeding program like a machine. I follow my daily calorie intake over BMR and give a 10% deficit compared to normal daily calories.

My question is: can I benefit from continuing to develop my body despite having such a high-fat body? What are the pros and cons of this process from my perspective?

I can't show the will I'm leaving because I don't want to do cardio-weighted and diet-weighted work. I liked doing bodybuilding with free weights and machines without getting bored.

While I wasn't able to lift any proper weight at the beginning, I've come to a very good place with my own level of progressive overloading logic: Bench Press 50 kg Barbell Curl 30 kg Pull Down 60 kg I could reach the weight and I can get it up to 3x12 now.

When I first arrived, I started with single-digit weight. For this reason, I do not want to leave because I love the sport as I see my progress. I have failed repeatedly on the treadmill, cycling, and diet.

My question is in summary: Is there any chance of successful bodybuilding by eating well when I am overweight?