Can I focus on strengthening exercises for a tendon while it has tendonitis?

Hi all,

The reason I ask is because I have bilateral posterior tibialis tendonitis and they haven't been clearing very quickly. I've been icing, stretching and massaging. The thing is, I'm on my feet a lot. I cycle nearly everyday. That's not been helping. I've just received some ankle supports I've started wearing but I realise now that they don't have the mobilising rods on either side. Instead, they have the plastic slats that bend easily. I'm also starting a course of ibuprofen.

Anyway, I want to get to start strengthening these tendons. Do I have to wait until they completely heal or can I start sooner?


Anyone have a clue? ....anybody?

Basically, I'm asking should tendonitis heal completely before doing strengthening exercises or can you get away with doing some before?