

New member
I nedd some advice from You, I would like to improve the look of my calfs, to make them slimmer becouse I think they are too massive;/ I don't know what to do with them, should I do some special exercises or maybe just strech them or maybe both, please help me.:confused: Advice needed
hi Spiderwoman,

I didn't want to leave your post unanswered, unfortunately I don't know of anything that you could do to reduce just the size of your calves. Weight Loss is always over the whole body and not just in certain areas. There are areas, where you will lose the weight faster and others where it takes longer, not sure where calves rank though.
the problem with calves is that they are genetic. If you have calves that aren't preportionate to your body, there isn't a lot you can do besides bulking up your thighs to get more balance. Running will help, but whole lot without trimming down to nothing ... and the chances are that they will still not be where u want.
i have terrible calfs, i have what i recently just found out is called "cankles" lol never knew there was a word for lower legs that looked like tree trunks! my calf kinda goes right into my ankle and it looks terrible! there is almost no definition in the ankle area.