Book Review: Science of Weight (not an ad)


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Hiya, i’ve been trying a number of diets now, and although some help, do you find it all comes back on again? Yeah me too.
I just purchased The Science of Weight, which is bloomin’ awesome LOL. Now i’m not used to writing up a review, but i was so impressed that I had to tell you.
I’m not an ad, so i will start with the negatives, but i do endorse it.

For the first time i found a book which is so easy to read and follow.
Ok, so the bad news: I was a bit disappointed that ints only 90 something pages, and the hardcopy seemed a bit expensive when i got it - but i guess thats the cost of the research
Also i was hoping for a clear set of instructions, you know? Do this, then that, only eat this on Monday, this on Tuesday. It doesn’t offer that - but it does offer overall plans but nothing specific. But again i guess that’s because we are all different and all want our own things.

So is it worth it? Hell yeah !! The author is a real scientist and explains what each of these fat factors actually does in the body. So he explains what sugar does, carbs, fat the lot. He also explains a really simple equation we all really know, but having it laid out seems to make it hit home. For me it was the eureka moment. From that point on the book helps us implement this into our daily lives. Even to the point of showing how to weigh accurately and measure progress.

Its not heavy, its really easy to read, and is full of references to published scientific papers and things. I recommend it, go check it out !!

ISBN: 978-1-291-70807-3 (paper)
ISBN: 978-1-291-72005-1 (ebook)
Or search Science of Weight Paul Browning in Google, iBookstore or something.