Sport Body Transformation Contest (& signup)

Sport Fitness
Doing well considering im not aining to lose a great amount but to define and build more muscle

182Llbs down 4

Waist 35" down 1/2

Chest 37"1/2 down 1/2

Legs 231/4" down 3/4

Hips 39" 1/2 down 1"

Arms 13"3/4 down 1/4
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Coors Light think that puts you on the fence for a prize:p At least if you are going to cheat make it a good beer:p

How is everyone doing over here? I posted separate threads for chat and weigh-ins in the WL forum for the contest, however with the few members in the training forum that have entered im not so sure that you guys need separate threads.

Would you like them? Would it make it easier, or is the one enough? Let me know, and I will create them if you do, otherwise I'll keep an eye on you all in this one thread.

Seems like a lot of you are well on the ball alongside the ladies in the WL.

Keep up the good work!
Oh my, I posted my thread in the wrong forum. I'll go delete it. Anyway, no progress, the same as I was a couple of weeks ago. 100% my fault. I've been very undisciplined. Now's the time when it becomes mental. And, ask anyone, I'm mental, so I ought to do pretty good.
Prize Winners

In case nobody has checked, the prize winners for February have been posted in the prizes post.

Check to see if your name is on it, and good luck for next month!
Hmm 3rd, ill take that! Not to much action going on over here, im up gym this evening and badminton after, so will get some snaps tonight and post my results fingers crossed!
181 Lbs

going well vast improvement from the begining, stomach has reduced in size all round, waist is smaller, arms have more definition as do pecs

Its is helping inspire me by looking at my before and afters to carry on improving

these were from last night 5th March
You better, Greg! :SaiyanSmilie_anim:

Lookin' good, Bob. I can see more bulk on your chest and less on your waist. :) Very nice.
Update :(
Well, I measured myself today, and it seems I'm headed in the wrong direction...I haven't been too bad with my diet/exercise lately, so I'm just going to kick it up a notch.
Measurements 3/18/08
Weight: 214
Waist: 42.5
Chest: 44
Hips: 44
Stomach: 41.5
Arms: 15 (The only real measurement I'm pleased with)
Legs: 25

Well there they are. Seems like I will have to clean up my diet more and be more focused.
Ok, no big improvement. I've been sick and am finally feeling better. My concentration has been on feeling better and not on fitness. I have been able to maintain my progress and not go in the other direction so I'm taking that as a positive. Hopefully I'll have better news to report in a couple of weeks. Cya, Greg
Update :(
Well, I measured myself today, and it seems I'm headed in the wrong direction...I haven't been too bad with my diet/exercise lately, so I'm just going to kick it up a notch.
Measurements 3/18/08
Weight: 214
Waist: 42.5
Chest: 44
Hips: 44
Stomach: 41.5
Arms: 15 (The only real measurement I'm pleased with)
Legs: 25

Well there they are. Seems like I will have to clean up my diet more and be more focused.

Have you been counting calories ?
Come on guys, keep up the good work, those who are slacking best step it up a gear or two as not long left, i will post images and stats later, hopefully i will see even more improvements, i feel great at the moment, and my diet and fitness regime has not dwindled or slacked infact i feel i may have grown into it more and become more obsessed with exersise and eating the correct stuff!
Weight loss has dramaticaly slowed, unless it is the effects of the fat is being burnt and muscle is being built hence my weight staying the same/similar

but all things still going well in this part! small improvements in the measurements too!

Weight: 180lbs

Chest 39 1/2"

Stomach 34 1/4"

Legs 22 3/4"

Hips 41" 1/4

Arms 13 3/4

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Hello boys.........just checking in with the progress :p I will be checking things out this week and looking for the March winners, so keep up the good work!
None of you have really been posting or keeping up to the WL Forum! A big congrats to Bob since you seem to be doing well with your progress and your posts. You will definitely be in the running for the final winners.

As for the rest, I may have to give all March prizes to the WL ladies! Get your butts in gear!
March Prizes:

3 Domes
Special Monthly Winner: Ergo Ball Chair

And the monthly winners are.............................

1. 20lbgoal - WL Forum - prize = dome
2. casanova - WL Forum - prize = dome
3. cnmh071977 - WL Forum - prize = dome

Special monthly winner is: niapage - WL Forum - prize = Ergo Ball Chair

Congrats everyone!!!!!!!!! WL Forum seems to be kicking butt over the Training Forum, so they get all the prizes this month! Good luck to all and keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, this is still going on, lol..... Geez, I've let myself get off track. My mental game just isn't where it needs to be. Work is wearing me out mentally everyday and I'm exhausted when I finally get home. Not physically, just mentally. I need to re-establish my nightly routine. Here it goes, wish me luck. Greg
gutted! was hoping for another prize! probably had worst week since i kicked off, i say worst but it has not been bad, just not as strict as my usual diet and fitness regime due to a 4 day holiday last weekend which resulted in eating whites breads and a few too many carbs etc not good but am straight back on the regime now, will be training hard this evening, going for a 4 mile run and do a session on the weights too! will post pics and stats this evening afterwards!