Sport Body Fat % and fruits

Sport Fitness
So...body fat %....Are they any ways to specifically trigger this area...any ways to specically lower it? Or is it as simple as the more fat you burn and the less calories you eat, the less your body fat % is gonna be?

Also...about fruit...Is fruit a good thing to eat when trying to get a six pack? If so...any fruit? Or just specific kinds? What kinds? Sorry if I'm too newbish. But I REALLLLY wanna get into this weight training and get a better body. I just need to learn from the experienced.
Fruit is good for you but you are almost bound to get somebody tell you that the fructose (a type of sugar) in the fruit will make you fat. Have you ever seen fat people eat much fruit?
lol, The whole fat people eating fruit thing I guess your right. The fructose, frankly, does scare me. However, I figure- it's NATURAL. Anything that comes out of the ground and is naturally grown and not man made for taste cant be bad for that case, fructose is prolly a needed nurtient, at least to a certain extent.
Careful on the "natural" bit. Many will tell you natural fats (animal fats) are bad for you, while others will say it is good. Just like the fruit thing.

Geez, people must just like to debate. :rolleyes:
Heres why fruit gets the bad rap. If your goal is to exclusively to minimize bodyfat, then it is advisable that you consume more complex carbohydrates, which will go to replenishing muscle glycogen stores rather than fruit, which will only replenish liver glycogen stores, and is useless in muscle glycogen replenishment.
Fruit is great but in moderation. Eating 1-2 fruits a day wouldn't be bad. Remember 1 fruit is roughly 100 calories, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things. You burn that much sitting for an hour.

My point was just to indicate that you can gain fat from eating only fruit, just like with anything else.
I take little interest in glycogen replenishment, since i am fat adapted and happily have been using fat as a main energy source in the last year. I must admit however, that I have never read any research that compares fruit to low GI foods as to where the glycogen gets stored (liver vs. muscle). Can you by any chance point to such research. I would be more than interested to check it out. In the end of the day, carbs are a good turbo fuel.
you need to stay away from higher sugary fruits like bananas and pineapple...not completely but you know how good pineapple taste, well if you eat alot of it your going, well you know...I like to down my breakfast with a smoothie not going over a cup...and maybe bring an apple for a snack...that way with the smoothie, if I want a hint of pineapple, banana, strawberry then I have my fix...but it's such a small amount that the calorie content isn't that bad...