Blood Type Diet


New member
someone told me that this diet would work great, of course I'm always skeptical so I wonder if someone has some experience and would pass that on :rolleyes:
Maybe you could tell us a little more about this diet, as I have never heard of it.
The "blood type diet" is from the book "Eat Right For Your Type" by Peter J. D'Adamo. The book's basic idee is that there are 3 different types - the Type O's are the dominant, hunter-caveman type that require meat in the diet, that Type A's are docile vegetarians, while Type B's are dairy-eating omnivores - and according to these ideas you change your diet.
From what I heard it basically says that the foods you need and should eat are dependant on your blood type.
Type 0 need more meat whereas Type A need hardly any meat, they would be best of being vegetarians. Also the type A's are supposedly often lactose intolerant. Not sure about the type B blood.
Of course it's not as basic as that, but it's been a while since I heard about it. I think a friend of mine has a book. I'll try and get it and might be able to tell you more about it.
I had the book for a few weeks, but I never read it all. I only went over the list of items that are 'right for my type' which is A. I was quite surprised to learn that Bananas, Oranges and Cantaloupe aren't 'good' for me - I used to love them - now it's kind of ruined:(
Apparently it is based on the assumption that each blood type has its antigen marker that reacts negatively with certain foods. It therefore suggests to eliminate theses foods entirely from your diet.

Personally I think if you listen to your body it tells you what is good and what's not. If I eat meat that is too fatty I feel queezy that tells me it's not good for me, if I eat too many meals with melted cheese my stomach starts to hurt..those are the signs I understand and I can react to.
i sometimes get the same feeling. if I drink too much beer, i get really dizzy and sometimes i even 'upchuck' ;)
Honestly, the blood type diet is interesting to me. I have never heard about it be4. I am type "A" blood. I love meat..but it doesn't agree with me. I also tend to be lactose intolerant. ( Although it doesn't keep me from The first time a successfully lost my weight, I went on a meat & Veg. diet. No starches at all(only in the beginning) The amount of meat I consumed was like an ounce or two every week, of any type of meat...cooked anyway I wanted to eat it. It really worked for me. I walked alot and lost like 40 lbs in 2 months...the weight came off slower over the next 22 months following. (loosing 30 lbs over that 22 month I didn't stick to my diet and exercising. the demands of traveling, at that time, fouled my diet.) But getting back on the subject. I would like to look into that diet.:O
try giving blood - they tell you without charging you.

@Deb...makes sense that you shouldn't eat much meat and also the lactose intolerance is apparently common for Type A blood... Believe it or not, there is also some fruits and veggies a Type A should stay away from. If I remember correctly it was Bananas and Cantaloupe that are not good, Apples and Oranges are neutral and all Berries are very good...that's all I remember...I looked into it a bit over a year ago...can you tell that I am a Type A:D
im AB+ so i guess that means i need to follow A and B diet?

just found this link:
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The blood type is interesting, as I research blood types in my nationality searches. I have type A and that means we are veggie eaters which i thrive on. My sons girl friend has lived with us for 2 years and said, i have never eaten so healthy in my life, and she also said, you never have junk food in your house. she looks healthier now too. We know what is right, it is just doing it thats so hard, sticking to regime.