Backmann's Diary...

Well, I basically workout random muscles everyday after school after school. But starting next year probabaly the second week of January I'm gonna start up a new routine and actually follow it (I posted it somewhere, can't remember what topic it's under).

Max Bench = 225lbs (goin for 250lbs on Jan 2nd)
Max Leg Press = 430lbs (not much of a leg working out person)
Age = 17
Height = 6 ft
Weight = 165lbs
Arm Diameter = 14"
Estimated time of Working Out = On and Off for 1 year, hardcore for 6 months

V-Shape back by my birthday, June 22nd
Nice abs by my birthday also
Increase max bench by atleast 25lbs per month
Heading to the gym today for the first time since last Wedsnday, Just going to do warmup for the new coming routine...
Well, They day before the big day...I'm feelin pumped all ready and know I can do it...250's gonna be nothing for me tomorrow...wish me luck:p
yeahhh I did it, I must say I don't think my cheast has ever hurt that much after doing left shoulder kidna hurts now though, hopefully it'll be fine tomorrow
tomorrow's the first day of the new routine, gotten 3 days off rest,...I'm rdy for it....hope my rarely worked legs are too...