Back cracks during sit-ups

Whenever I do sit-ups or crunches, everytime I go back down, my back/spine always seems to crack. It doesn't really hurt, it's just that it feels really awkward and I can't stand it.
Is this a normal thing or what? Do you know any ways to prevent this from happening?

I've tried laying flat on the ground with my knees bent (the normal way of doing sit-ups/crunches), and I've been doing them at a slant also, like laying on a thing with my legs wrapped around these bars in the front and lifting a medicine ball. ( I don't know what the device is called, but I know it's bench like thing and that's what it's for)

Both ways my back always seems to crack. Can somebody please help me?
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Happens to me to. Now I do weighted crunches with a dumbell and my bench and I don't hear anything. Only for full situps.
hmm. Anyone else get this? Is it a normal thing, because I don't think it is. I know during class when we get tested for fitness and we do situps, nobody else comlpains about their back cracking.

A lot of my body seems to crack at different times, mainly my knees and sometimes (rarely) my shoulders.
I generally get crackling noises from my shoulders not when i exercise but when rotating the shoulders.

in my case it seem like a different problem
refer to thread (weight training)

snapping/crackling noises from bench press
posted by 'Gunit'
I just happened to be doing a google search on this topic and I found this forum. I have the exact same symptoms and would like to know if I should be concerned about it.
Sit-ups are not back friendly by any means. I can't remember the last time I did a sit-up, if you must, do crunches. If you hear a cracking, your form is probably wrong, you should not be pull your neck forward, you should be raising it straight up. Imagine that something is on the ceiling, or wherever youre doing it, and try to touch it with your nose. Do not put your hands behind your head either. Now, this is for crunches - if you must do them.

To work your abs you should be concentrating more on core exercises and exercises that work your entire body, not crunches that specifically target one general area. A good ab routine involves leg raises, either laying down or hanging from a bar/pull-up bar, planks, side planks..those are all pretty easy to start with and follow.