Another fat or skin thread

Yes, sorry. I'm following a trend and I've joined this forum because frankly, I'm perplexed on what's going on with my stomach. I used to be several years ago, three hundred LBS. That's when I began to exercise and began training in Shaolin Kung Fu - Well, I'm 6'0 which is pretty tall for a girl and I now weigh probably a bit under 145 LBS - I'm wondering #1, is this a good weight? And #2, what the hells is going on with my stomach? Is this excess body fat or is it skin? I've busted my arse going full-on into this training and injured myself many many times but kept moving. My work I hope has paid off but I still have this weird thing with my stomach going on. Can anyone give me a definitive answer?

This is my tummy tensed with my hand just gently easing the skin down,

And as a point I had to both relax and slouch a bit to manage to do this,

So what is this? Fat or loose skin? - Thanks. Sorry to ask the same question again that's been beaten like a dead horse.
It is hard to tell but it looks mostly like loose skin. If you once weighed 150+ more pounds then you probably have some extra skin that will take a long time to tighten up.

A skin caliper test can tell you how much subcutaneous (under the skin) fat you have. If you pull the skin out far enough that you just have 2 layers of skin between your fingers, how thick that is is a measure of the 2 layers of skin and the 2 layers of fat under the skin.
I have the same thing and I only lost 15 pounds, The issue that the skin has not tightened up yet. The skin is a living organ and the rate of tightening up is less than the amount weight you lost. I have seen that if you keep a proper diet, cardio, and some ab exercies that it should improve over time. i have seen the difference myself. this my opinion, Iam no expert