Am I ACTUALLY Obese? (Pics)

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Hi, Emm. Just a suggestion. Think about starting a diary. You'll find the diary section at Weight Loss Diary
Instead of asking what others think you should lose or if you are obese or anything else just tell us what you want to do & how you're going to try to get there. Most people here are encouraging & supportive. I feel you have felt offended & I think starting over in a diary, might just help reset the conversation. Cheers, Cate :)
My weight is up around 190 pounds (86kg)

How much you need to actually loose depends on a number of factors

at 86 kg, how tall are you ? and have you had your bodyfat % measured

and most healthy people are not aiming to be under weight like angelbaby
That´s only a half-truth. Cocaine capitalizes on the same reward pathways as sugar, but much more intensely so. The sugar/cocaine thing with the rats was only true after they had been starved - in which case going for something with energy in it makes sense. Non-starved rats did not go for the sugar. Sugar is still crappy for you, of course. Also: where I live hamburger patties normally don´t have sugar in them. The buns and the sauces usually do though.
No, sorry, you'll need to provide evidence that the rats were starved first. Starving them would negate the experiment, and the sugar industry would have had a field day with that. Can you provide a link? I'd be very interested in seeing it. There are other characteristics of sugar addiction: withdrawal, transferability (cross-addiction), etc.
i would not put it past restaurant chefs to spike even a bit of sugar into their ground meat, so only speaking for my own burgers, this isn't really true. ground beef is fat and protein. add a bun and you're going to get some (not a ton) of sugar, but that's the penalty of most bread. i consider my diet very low sugar and burgers are on the menu quite often (at times).
I wasn't convinced of sugar in hamburger but I wouldn't put it past them either. The ketchup is the killer!
No, sorry, you'll need to provide evidence that the rats were starved first.
I went back and checked, because I distinctly remembered reading about it and being surprised: turns out I can't find the article I read and you're right. Even rats already accustomed to cocaine quickly developed a preference for sweetened water.
Edited to add: Here's a review of food addiction literature that might be interesting.
They do have some critical notes about the various rodent studies but the most interesting part for me was that apparently different humans have very different reactions to glucose intake, suggesting that if sugar IS truly addictive in the classic sense of the word that's likely only the case for a specific subset of people. Which tracks with my experience (I know plenty of people who are unfazed by sweets) but would be strange for a drug more addictive than cocaine. Whatever the experts end up deciding though: I don't think there's anything wrong with avoiding foods that trigger overeating for you/us.
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I went back and checked, because I distinctly remembered reading about it and being surprised: turns out I can't find the article I read and you're right. Even rats already accustomed to cocaine quickly developed a preference for sweetened water.
Edited to add: Here's a review of food addiction literature that might be interesting.
They do have some critical notes about the various rodent studies but the most interesting part for me was that apparently different humans have very different reactions to glucose intake, suggesting that if sugar IS truly addictive in the classic sense of the word that's likely only the case for a specific subset of people. Which tracks with my experience (I know plenty of people who are unfazed by sweets) but would be strange for a drug more addictive than cocaine. Whatever the experts end up deciding though: I don't think there's anything wrong with avoiding foods that trigger overeating for you/us.
Shoot...I took too long on my post so all it shows is me replying to your post. Sigh...
Thanks for the link; I'll be sure to have a look at it when I get a chance. One researcher on the recent "Quit Sugar" symposium thought that 70% of people in the US are addicted to sugar. That number doesn't surprise me. The experts have pretty well decided. It's like argueing about whether global warming is real. I mentioned to my doctor at my last checkup that I didn't realize sugar is addicting. He certainly knew! People back in the '80s knew, but the sugar industry was able to deflect the blame onto fats. I highly recommend Dr. Robert Lustig's book "Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease." There's nothing strange about a compound being more addictive than cocaine; what's strange is that this addictive toxin is in around 80% of our food choices and is readily available to children. I'm treating my diet like addiction recovery and it's a whole different mindset. I think we need a different mindset, because the one that goes "lose the weight, then eat what you want in moderation" isn't working for a lot of us.
I would say that experts agree that sugar in larger quantities is bad for us (just like alcohol). They don´t seem to agree (yet) on whether or not sugar is addictive in the sense that it´s best for most if not all people to avoid it completely (again: just like alcohol). But as I said before: that doesn´t mean you or I can´t do so in order to live a better life.

PS: I do think we should stop spamming Emm´s thread. You´re more than welcome to come over to my diary though.
Never mind. I'm not going to convince you. You'll just have to read up. However, you needed to provide a reference to a scientist not funded by the sugar industry who says sugar is not addictive.
[QUOTE = "LaMaria, pos: 1195712, anggota: 89563"] Saya bertubuh kekar (bahkan ketika saya berada di ujung bawah kisaran BMI sehat kebanyakan gelang tidak akan menutup pergelangan tangan saya), 5 ft 8, dan bentuk apel. Saat ini saya 2 kg di atas kisaran BMI sehat saya dan pinggang saya hanya lebih dari 31,5 inci.
Sungguh payah bahwa bentuk apel harus tetap lebih ramping daripada bentuk pir untuk mengurangi risiko kesehatan, tetapi saya tidak tahu cara untuk mengubahnya. Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa-apa, tentu saja, terutama saat Anda masih muda dan sehat, tetapi jika Anda mengatakan Anda lelah sepanjang waktu, itu mengkhawatirkan. Sedikit mengubah pola makan dan berolahraga sedikit berpotensi banyak membantu.

Mengambil tindakan sekarang lebih mudah daripada memulai dalam sepuluh tahun ketika Anda akan kehilangan lebih banyak massa otot dan menambah berat badan beberapa kilogram. (Itu tidak dimaksudkan sebagai pribadi kecil: manusia hanya cenderung menjadi kurang aktif, lebih berat, dan kurang sehat seiring bertambahnya usia.) Tidak berarti Anda harus kehilangan semua 40 pon; jika Anda memeriksa tautan ini
itu akan memberi Anda saran untuk tujuan yang bisa dilakukan dan kemungkinan besar akan memberi Anda beberapa kebaikan tanpa harus sampai ke sana. Ini juga akan memberi Anda kisaran kalori yang akan membantu Anda mencapainya. [/ QUOTE]

I don’t know what that means but the girls in that video are soooo skinny :O They must be photoshopped or something because nobody I know actually looks like that!!
Never trust a video posted by first time visitors; there's a reason those aren't allowed and they're usually trying to scam you. How are you doing?
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