All members !


New member
I would just like to say thanks to those that have helped me on this site in the past few months, you have been a big help.

Ive had 2 accounts on here, one was banned lol. But thanks to everyone who has answered my questions and help get my weight down.

Before i come to this site i wasn't doing good at all and i was starving myself. I was 17 stone and i dropped to 15 and i wasn't losing a single pound after that.

You guys made it possible for me to get down to what i am now 11 stone and 11 pounds by giving me advice and telling me the right way to excercise, diet and live healthy.

Thanks !
I will try and help people aswell : :cheers2: :hurray:
glad to hear you like it here :)
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I would just like to say thanks to those that have helped me on this site in the past few months, you have been a big help.

Ive had 2 accounts on here, one was banned lol. But thanks to everyone who has answered my questions and help get my weight down.

Before i come to this site i wasn't doing good at all and i was starving myself. I was 17 stone and i dropped to 15 and i wasn't losing a single pound after that.

You guys made it possible for me to get down to what i am now 11 stone and 11 pounds by giving me advice and telling me the right way to exercise, diet and live healthy.

Thanks !
I will try and help people as well : :cheers2: :hurray:

Hey hows it going ,Sorry I cant reply to you via thePM You sent me as I still need 1 more PM To activate my Personal Messages .

The answer is yes 20 mins a day is fine ,4 times a week is more than enough try and make them full body workouts or at least 2 of them . I posted an example Full body HIT workout up recently .

As for sweating lol sweating doesnt mean your burning loads of calories or extra fat , You body is simple hot and is sweating to cool it self down .

4 months is more than enough , We had someone recently who dropped 120lbs in 6 months . so you could drop 10% BF easy .
