alchoholic drinks

alright theres been a few things ive been wondering about different alchoholic beverages... i'm very calorie conscience and i want to know what im drinking. Does anyone know the calorie content on things like malibu, everclear, rum, vodka....
i know the drinks like bacardi orange, bacardi silver, smirnoff, mikes hard lemonade, all have a lot of calories but i can never find the exact value.
and what about bud light? is that the best light beer to be drinking?
any response would be great, thanks!
I wouldn't really be all that worried about the number of calories in a drink as it shouldn't be a significant portion of your daily caloric intake. If it is, then you probably aren't getting enough good carbs/fats/protein and you need to re-think your diet. A beer or 3 once a week will not really hurt your workout unless you are at the very top of your sport.

If your goal is to just get drunk, then you should stick with hard liquor for more alcohol per calorie than a light beer. I like straight scotch or bourbon - sometimes have a bit of diet soda with the bourbon though.

If it is just social drinking, have a beer and then a water. I can't stand light beer in any form so that is just right out for me.
Half a pint of lager is somewhere around 100 calories which is quite high if you intend on getting drunk. The best thing for you to drink would probably be a short such as vodka, jack daniels, bacardi etc... with diet coke which is around 50 calories per glass. Stay clear of thicker heavier drinks such as tia maria, baileys etc... as they have lots of calories in them.
any drink over 80 proof (40% alch. by vol.) has no calories. this does not apply to mixed drinks. if the drink is carbonated, then it obviously has carbs and thus more calories to lose.
Whoever you got your information from was badly mistaken, Grotesquehybrid. Alcohol itself (even 100% alcohol) has calories. The carbs just add to the calories.

Also, carbonation does not mean carbohydrates (carbs). Carbonation means Carbon Di Oxide (CO2) has been added to the liquid and has no bearing on carbohydrates.
i didnt mean it has no calories the alchohol burns them off at the same rate as it is consumed. again, i got my info from this guy so itmight still be wrong. -.- im not smart, i failed bio ^_^;;;
I know what you are saying here, but that info is still wrong. Alcohol slows down your system so its calories are felt even more drastically than a cola. At least with the cola you get caffine that speeds up your metabolism while the revers happens with alcohol.

But like I said above, alcohol shouldn't be a significant portion of your caloric intake so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
First of all if your trying to loose weight or tone up loose the alcohol all togeather. Your body buns the alcohol as a fuel before fat and drinking will just prolong the results that you desire.
try whiskey and soda